Walk the Web Lightly: A Novel

Walk the Web Lightly: A Novel
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Release Date
May 07, 2024
Naya’s family is all about heritage: their art, their traditions, their secret ability to see time. They expect her to follow in their footsteps, creating art and keeping their powers concealed. But she wants to be a doctor—and you can’t do that if you’re hiding all the time! When a chance to go to medical science camp comes up, her family disapproves, but Grandmother challenges her to a contest: if she can weave her soul wrap before the camp begins, she can go; if she fails, she has to say good-bye to her science dreams for good. With all of the knowledge of time at her fingertips, Naya is sure she can win. But someone is rigging events to learn her family’s secrets—and it turns out that what she doesn’t know could jeopardize everyone she loves.
*Content warning: contains depictions of gun violence and kidnapping.

Editor review

1 review
A Story of Family and Tradition
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Walk the Web Lightly weaves together a beautiful story about family and heritage with some supernatural elements included. Naya, the main character, is a young girl who is tied between the choices of following her passion of becoming a doctor and her family’s traditions. To prove that she has what it takes to create a soul wrap, she begins the journey of discovering her true powers and who she wants to be.

The first thing that caught my eye beyond the book’s gorgeous cover art (that reflects the novel so well) was Naya’s family having the ability to see through time. It’s a powerful gift to wield, a fact that is driven home constantly by her family and takes great responsibility to use. Her family must be conscious of how glimpsing into the future and the dangerous effects that it might have. The novel’s theme revolves greatly around the concept of time literally and metaphorically. How we cannot change the past or always predict the future. Instead, we should live by just being in the moment.

I also enjoyed the themes of family and heritage explored in this novel. It teaches its readers the importance of embracing traditions and carrying on their legacy for future generations. Naya struggles to prove to her family that she is mature in so many ways. Throughout the book, she faces many obstacles that make her realize she still has much to learn and a lot of maturing to do. The novel reflects the uncertainties of growing up, trying to figure out who you are, and changing dynamics when it comes to school and relationships.

The book felt imaginative and exciting with the detailed scenes of “walking the lines”. Making other readers and I question if we would want to possess a power such as that. I also felt that Naya was a relatable main character that readers could connect to. Her admiration for wanting to learn more about the world her and headstrong (sometimes stubborn) attitude made her inspiring at times as well. Besides the family dynamic, there are thrilling elements in this novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat The stakes feel high as in-between Naya’s story readers constantly get glimpses of a dangerous someone on the outside who wants to take advantage of her powers.

I think Pascual did a wonderful job of crafting together this YA fantasy novel. If you enjoy stories about family and self-discovery with a little bit of fantasy thrown in, give Walk the Web Lightly a read!
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