All Hail, the Queen of the Freaks

All Hail, the Queen of the Freaks
Co-Authors / Illustrators
  • Ko Sanders
Publisher Name
Independently Published
Age Range
Release Date
October 12, 2023
The teenager C (short for “Catherine”) Query wishes she did. She doesn’t know how she awoke in the luxurious Paradiddle Lane, a resort town outside Chicago where billionaires go for a self-indulgent escape. C also doesn’t know how she acquired her mysterious ability to travel to other universes, dimensions, and times when she plays the piano. But she does know that evil enemies are hunting her, with murder on their minds. Can she outsmart them and find the truth in time to survive? And the deliciously attractive boys pursuing her: Whom can she trust, and who is the enemy?

If you love paranormal romance, glamorous stories, cozy horror, and a book that delivers a fun escape, this is the book for you!

Editor review

1 review
All Hail!
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
All Hail, the Queen of the Freaks is a book unlike others. With a unique writing style and eccentric characters, this book is definitely one for its intended audience.

What I loved about this book was the way it was written. It was easy to tell the author thoroughly enjoyed writing this book. The flow was fun and had a sense of freestyle that isn't seen too much in traditional publishing. This was a fresh of breath air and made this experience unique in it's own. As I was reading, the voices were so loud, in a good way. This is what carries the book. My 12-14 year old self would have absolutely loved reading this book!

The only thing that I wish was a bit better was that the setting was not clear. For a while, I was unsure if the setting was supposed to be a fantasy world or the real world.

Overall, All Hail, The Queen of the Freaks is a successful book with its unique writing style. As a reader, the formats don't change too much so this was a lot of fun to read. The characters had so much personality and with the unique writing style, it really made them memorable.
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