The Supernatural Reasons Why I Love You

The Supernatural Reasons Why I Love You
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Release Date
November 17, 2020
How do I love thee? Let me count the paranormal ways…
With vampires, werewolves, pixies, and zombies too, discovering the supernatural reasons behind love has never been more fun!

This is a short story collection like no other! Meet a werewolf who needs to confess his deepest secret to his fiancé as they start to plan their wedding... watch as the owner of a flower shop must trust the fate of her business to a a young witch who makes the mistake of casting a love spell on her best friend. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll learn to love all over again with this charming cast of paranormal happily-ever-afters.

This anthology also features "Love, Blood, and Magic: The Star-Crossed Origins," which traces the history of the original cast of characters from the author's first novel, "The Heart of Everything," all the way back to the very beginning. So if you've ever wondered how Jesse and Alex met, or who the priestess really was, or if you're curious about the story of Alex and Cecilia... then this is the book for you!

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