The Last Football Player

The Last Football Player
Publisher Name
John Blossom
Age Range
Release Date
May 12, 2023
Too many injuries, they said, and too violent!
Dude McPherson, star receiver on the Honeycrest School freshman team, disagrees, especially since his influential Silicon Valley dad is to blame for the disaster. Can he assemble a new team in his school’s state-of-the-art Tech Lab to save football? Or at least preserve what is best about the sport he loves?

This exciting and plausible high-tech novel about the near future offers many adventures on the football field and in the Tech Lab where Dude and his creative team of teen geniuses struggle with the true meaning of the game and the importance of thinking creatively in sports. What role should teenagers, women, technology, and artificial intelligence have for football players in the future? Dude is about to risk his life, and his dad’s career, to find out!

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