Daughter of Darkness

Daughter of Darkness
Publisher Name
Amazon Kindle
Age Range
Release Date
December 18, 2020

She is destined to kill a demon. He is sent to protect her. One of them is about to fail ... He spent centuries in the dark ... After 300 years spent in the underworld as a punishment, warrior Devon is called on by the gods for a chance to fix his mistake--and to win his redemption. But there's a catch: the gods won't tell him details about his mission. He's supposed to suffer while trying to figure out what he did wrong in the past, and fix it in the present. All Kenna ever wanted was to be the owner of her own life and destiny. But for now all she can do is run away from the evil wanting to claim her powers. ... until she came ... When Devon becomes unintentionally entangled in his new neighbor's life, he can't help but feel he's closer to his purpose. Every moment he spends with Kenna makes him confused, and every time he touches her, glimpses of the past, of his failed mission, come back to haunt him. ... and showed him the light. Darkness is closing in, and with Kenna's help, Devon needs to put the pieces of the puzzle together before he fails his mission again and evil consumes the world. Only this time, he's sure he won't be the only one damned.

Editor reviews

2 reviews
Worth a Read
Overall rating
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Definitely a book that's worth a read.

The Story:
Kenna wants to be able to live her life but she's on the run from a group of demons and the one who controls them. This brings her to a small town where she meets Devon, a handsome neighbor full of mysteries. She can't trust him, or anyone else, but as they learn more about each other they realize they know more about their dark worlds than either imagined.
Told in alternating time periods between the now and a past life, it plays out in a similar fashion to how it has all been done before.

What I loved:
Kenna and her past life version are such strong characters. Watching their similarities was a treat but also the way Kenna had grown from the girl she once was. She's no longer the helpless damsel and I loved that.
Devon is intriguing because he had no memory of what happened before or why he has been sent to this town on a mission, yet he has faith he's in the right spot. Watching them grow together and figure out their violent past was super intriguing.
The writing style flows well and isn't overly descriptive which is a huge plus in my book.

What left me wanting more:
The pacing was slow. It seemed like every time something exciting happened, the POV changed and suddenly everything ground to a halt again, never letting the story truly take off and explode. It's a bit hard to get in to, but once you do, the characters keep you going and needing to know how it all ends.

Final Verdict:
A story that's well worth your time, with intriguing characters, a fresh voice, and a unique plot line that doesn't feel like it's been done before.
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