The Pigman

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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Leann

        I really recommend this book to teens. John and Lorraine are two sophomores from Franklin High School. Well everyday after school they play a game: they have to pick a name out of the phonebook with there eyes closed. Now its Lorraines turn, she chooses Angelo Pignati, they call and he picks up ,they tell him that there a charity for the L&J charity and they need 10$ for there charity and he tells them to show up at his house the next day, but what they didnt know was there prank phone call, was going to lead to them to a wonderful friendship.

        When John and Lorraine go to his house the next day like he asked them to, they start talking and well they start to hanging out more out. So later, he asks them to go to the zoo, while they are there he introduces his friend BoBo. Then one day as there rollerblading around the house Mr. Pignati has a heart attach. Well Mr. Pignati has the ambulance called on him and when hes gone, John has a good idea to have a party.

        The part progresses into the night, the music gets louder and the kids get crazier&.then all of a sudden a cab pulls up, and Mr. Pignati is home early from the hospital!! OH NO!!

        Will he forgive them for the outrageous party they had? Will he talk to them again? If you want to find out read The Pigman by Paul Zindel.

        I think this book is a wonderful book to read. Its interesting for teenagers. So I would suggest to anyone to read this book.

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A Book Review on The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Maria WV

The Pigman

The Pigman by Paul Zindel

A book review on The Pigman

Three Stars

        The Pigman is a book written by Paul Zindel. It is about two sophomores named Lorraine and John. These two teenagers are telling their story about this guy they met, who they nicknamed Pigman because he had a collection of glass pigs. Lorraine and John first talked to this guy while prank calling. He sounded lonely so they went to his house, and they all became friends. Lorraine and John took advantage of the old man. While he was in the hospital after having a heart attack, Lorraine and John decided to have a party at his house. They practically ruined all of his pig collection and his dead wifes clothes. When the Pigman returned he was angry with them and told them not to come back to his house. Lorraine and John felt terrible so they asked the Pigman if he wanted to go to the zoo. The Pigman agreed, even after what Lorraine and John did to him. Once they got to the zoo, the Pigman realized that his friend, BoBo the baboon died, the Pigman dropped dead. Lorraine and John then realized that they intruded on the Pigmans life and really felt bad about it. They had learned to love the Pigman, and missed him more than they could imagine. I enjoyed reading this book. I liked it because it was about teenagers, and it was a very good example on how teenagers think, and how they act. It would be a good book for anyone to read, not just teenagers. I would recommend it to anyone.


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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by nici from west virgina

Book Review Outline

Book title and author: The Pigman, Paul Zindel 

Title of review: The Pigman

Number of stars (1 to 5): 4


The Pigman is a book about two teenagers named John and Lorraine, who come across an old man who they nicknamed the Pigman, by prank calling people asking for money for a fake charity. John is the type of person who likes to pull pranks at school, like setting off bombs in the bathroom and apple rolling when there is a substitute. Lorraine is the type of person who is good in school and listens to her mom. They agree to go and meet the Pigman and get the money. They find out he is lonely, and that his wife is in California. They feel guilty about taking his money, but they continue to spend more and more time with him.


 They feel guilty about taking his money, but they continue to spend more and more time with him. Lorraine and John continue to build trust along with a friendship from the Pigman.  They go visit him everyday, becoming closer and closer. They find out that the Pigman goes to the zoo everyday, and feeds a baboon that he has named Bobo. The Pigman buys John and Lorraine a lot of gifts, making them feel even guiltier. They accept all of the gifts though, not being able to tell the old man no. 


            John and Lorraine are taking advantage of the Pigman. Their parents do not know they are going to see him everyday. John and Lorraine take even more advantage of the Pigman. They have built a lot of trust from him. They are taking advantage of that.


            To conclude this review, two teenagers take advantage of a lonely old man, without their parents knowing. They continue to gain trust from him, but can they keep it?


            I think this was overall a good book. I do recommend reading it if you like to read. There are interesting points in this book, like John setting off bombs in the boys bathrooms, and pulling pranks on the substitute teachers. There are some parts in the book that arent so exciting, but nothing to put you to sleep. Like sometimes when they go to the Pigmans house, sometimes nothing exciting happens. Most of the time, there is something going on though. I did like this book. I will say it is not the best book Ive read, but it was a good book.

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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Emaleigh in WV

As the story begins, two sophomore teens, John Conlan and Lorraine Jensen, begin telling us about themselves. John telling us that he was one of the trouble makers in freshman year of high school, Lorraine telling us about the first times John and her were together. All by playing a game on the telephone, they acquainted themselves with Mr. Angelo Pignati also known as the Pigman. Later they come to find that the Pigman collects pigs and so the friendship begins.

The book touches on various plots, and subplots. Its all mainly focused on John, Lorraine, and the Pigman along with the various adventures they have together. So one day when Lorraine played the telephone game she found herself on the phone with Angelo Pignati, not only did she feel bad because she felt that he sounded lonely, she felt bad for lying by saying she was Mrs. Truman and she was raising money for a charity fund. John urged her to go and she did on impulse. Arriving at the Pigmans home they collect the money and almost everyday after that they find themselves with the Pigman. Anywhere from meeting the meanest baboon named Bobo, or eating chocolate covered ants, they did it all. But after one night when the Pigman collapses after chasing John around the house and is hospitalized temporarily, John takes advantage of the house and invites his friends over. Lorraine has a bad feeling but she doesnt want to say anything to John. Later in the evening John finds one of his foes, Norton, in the Pigmans room full of pigs. Norton breaks one of the pigs and runs for the exit. Running after him John opens the door to find the Pigman standing wide-eyed on the steps.

After reading this book I felt like I should try harder to be a better person. I can understand how the children felt after the Pigman died, because Ive had loved ones die as well. It was well written with a lot of detail on every little issue. It teaches a lesson in life in the end. In my personal opinion I think teenagers should read this book. I think it will influence them in a positive way.

John and Lorraine were banished from the Pigmans home after the night of the party. On an afternoon John and Lorraine call the Pigman to apologize and ask him to meet up at the zoo. When the Pigman is fifteen minutes late, they figure he isnt go to show, but he does. The Pigman goes to the monkey cages and cant seem to find Bobo. After finding out that Bobo passed away, the Pigman collapsed and when this happened Lorraine knew the Pigman was dead. When the Pigman died, the children felt as if something died with them too. Lorraine feels as if John doesnt care, but truly he does

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My Take on The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Ashley in WV

     In the town of Stapleton, John Conlan and Lorraine Jensen befriend a lonely old man they call Pigman. The Pigman is a story of two high school sophomores who make friends or take advantage of a kind old man, depending on how you view the story. It is a young adult book
       The story of the Pigman is complex tale of friendship, trust, and one lonely old man in need of a friend. When a telephone game leads John and Lorraine to the home of Mr. Angelo Pignati as charity workers to collect ten dollars from a friendly man they find that he is in need of a friend. However Mr. Pignati wants more from them than they from him, he wants company, and someone to talk to while his dear Conchetta is visiting family in California. Later on though the kids find the horrible piece of paper stating Conchetta isnt in California shes dead! The kids then decide to forget about the money and help this man, they are shown his collection of ceramic pigs; his only friend other than the two them, Bobo a baboon at the local zoo; and taken shopping with a credit card! When Mr. Pignati falls ill however things began to change, John and Lorraine decide to throw a party the night of Mr., Pignatis return. At the end of the night Conchettas clothing is destroyed, the pigs are broken, and the house is a mess. On top of all that the next time they visit the zoo Bobo has died. This is the final straw for the Pigman he dies at the zoo. Therefore John and Lorraine blame themselves for his death which is what persuaded them to write this memorial epic to start with.
      I liked The Pigman, I thought it was set in the late 70s and may have been out of date but dont stop reading it because you dont get the full affect unless you read it all. It wasnt my favorite book but it was a timeless lesson involved. I especially like when John and Lorraine dress in Conchettas and the Pigmans clothes and acted as though he was an actor and she a famous writer. I also liked when they were all roller skating around the house and acting as though no one had a care in the world. I think that as the story evolves the kids become the adult and Mr. Pignati becomes like their child while in the hospital. Also I think the author hints at some feelings and possible a relationship forming between John and Lorraine in the middle of the book. 
     In conclusion The Pigman is a three star classic full of mystery sadness and guilt of the Pigmans death. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading classics.
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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Andrew

This story is about life and the consequences you have in it. This book is told in Johns and Lorrains point of view which is two of the main characters .The other main character is Mr.Pignati
John and Lorrain were having a telephone marathon and Lorrain picked out Mr.Pignatis name because he only lived a few blocks away. Lorrain was talking to Mr.Pignati as a charity worker and asked him to donate some money to her charity. Mr.Pignati wanted them to come over and collect the money and when John and Lorrain got there they discovered that he was a very lonely man and he collected pigs. That is how he got his nick name The Pigman. So John and Lorrain kept coming back to Mr.Pignati house.
The Pigman, Lorrain, and John was roller skating threw the house. The Pigman stopped and looked at John he was having a heart attack.

John called 911 because Lorrain was in shock and an ambulance came and got Mr.Pignati. When Mr.Pignati was in the hospital John and Lorrain had a party in the Pigmans house and accidently broke the pig collection he had. When Mr.Pignati got home he saw that his pig collection had been broken and he banished them from his house. After this happened Mr.Pignati died. and John and Lorrain understands life now.

I thought this book is pretty good. I would recommend this book to pretty much anybody.
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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Emma in West Virginia

     As the story begins, two sophomore teens, John Conlan and Lorraine Jensen, begin telling us about themselves. John telling us that he was one of the trouble makers in freshman year of high school, Lorraine telling us about the first times John and her were together. All by playing a game on the telephone, they acquainted themselves with Mr. Angelo Pignati also known as the Pigman. Later they come to find that the Pigman collects pigs and so the friendship begins. 
     The book touches on various plots, and subplots. Its all mainly focused on John, Lorraine, and the Pigman along with the various adventures they have together. So one day when Lorraine played the telephone game she found herself on the phone with Angelo Pignati, not only did she feel bad because she felt that he sounded lonely, she felt bad for lying by saying she was Mrs. Truman and she was raising money for a charity fund. John urged her to go and she did on impulse. Arriving at the Pigmans home they collect the money and almost everyday after that they find themselves with the Pigman. Anywhere from meeting the meanest baboon named Bobo, or eating chocolate covered ants, they did it all. But after one night when the Pigman collapses after chasing John around the house and is hospitalized temporarily, John takes advantage of the house and invites his friends over. Lorraine has a bad feeling but she doesnt want to say anything to John. Later in the evening John finds one of his foes, Norton, in the Pigmans room full of pigs. Norton breaks one of the pigs and runs for the exit. Running after him John opens the door to find the Pigman standing wide-eyed on the steps.

     After reading this book I felt like I should try harder to be a better person. I can understand how the children felt after the Pigman died, because Ive had loved ones die as well. It was well written with a lot of detail on every little issue. It teaches a lesson in life in the end. In my personal opinion I think teenagers should read this book. I think it will influence them in a positive way. 
     John and Lorraine were banished from the Pigmans home after the night of the party. On an afternoon John and Lorraine call the Pigman to apologize and ask him to meet up at the zoo. When the Pigman is fifteen minutes late, they figure he isnt go to show, but he does. The Pigman goes to the monkey cages and cant seem to find Bobo. After finding out that Bobo passed away, the Pigman collapsed and when this happened Lorraine knew the Pigman was dead. When the Pigman died, the children felt as if something died with them too. Lorraine feels as if John doesnt care, but truly he does. 
     Ending the book with the death of the Pigman was tragic, I felt as if something died with myself as well. After reading the book, you just become so attached to the characters, you feel as if you know them personally. Overall, there was always something that kept me turning the pages in the book. It didnt disappoint me like I expected it would. Like the saying goes, Never judge a book by its cover.

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The Pigman!
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Reader reviewed by Paula from West Virginia

  This book begins with John Conlan writing in school for a typing class. John is talking about his freshman year and all the bad and immature things that he did, during that year. Then after a while his best friend Lorraine Jensen starts telling about how and when she and John first met. They didnt know each other until they started talking on the school bus. Then after a couple of days sitting together on the bus they because pretty good friends, so they started hanging out and they became each others best friend. 
  This book mainly talks about how John and Lorraines life, and the Pigman or Mr.Piganti. John and Lorraine meet Mr.Piganti during a phone marathon. They do phone marathons a lot, they would call random numbers and find out how long they can talk to the person who picks up the phone. The main points are they call the Pigman and tell him a lie to get money from him, so they have to go over to his house to get it. Then after being with the Pigman for a while they become very good friends with him, so they decide to start skipping school to go to the zoo and do other things with Mr.Piganti. Another main point is when the Pigman collapses in his house when he, John, and Lorraine are there. So they have to call 911 to come get him. So while Mr.Piganti is gone John and Lorraine decide to have a small party and only invite a couple of close friends, but the word gets out that their having a party. So a lot of people end up coming to their party. Then later John finds Norton Mr. Pigantis room where all of his pigs are. So John asks him to get out of the room and Norton starts breaking the pigs and John gets very mad at him and hits him. Then Mr.Piganti walks in his house, just getting home from the hospital. He gets very mad at John and Lorraine for having a wild party while he wasnt there. So the police take John and Lorraine home. John and Lorraine felt horrible that they had done such a mean thing to him, but all they could do was tell him that they were sorry and hope that he doesnt stay mad at them forever, and become friends again. 
  I think this book is very good to read. It touches on a lot of good points that young readers should know about, like you shouldnt lie just to get something you want, or to just have fun, and you can find great friends pretty much anywhere you look. Im glad I had to read this book for school because if not I probably wouldnt have ever read it, but now that I did Im very glad that I did. I think that every teenager should read this book and find out important life lessons. 
  At the end of this story after the party and Mr.Piganti comes home. John and Lorraine call the Pigman one afternoon to tell him that their sorry and would like to meet him at the zoo so they could talk. So the next day they go meet the Pigman at the zoo. Hes over 15 minutes late so they think hes not going to show, but he does. So they buy peanuts to feed Bobo with. When they arrive at Bobos cage they find out that Bobo had died a couple days ago. After Mr.Piganti finds out that his pet monkey died, he falls over and dies in the zoo. 
  I think the end of the book is very sad. It is sad because Mr.Piganti dies, and John and Lorraine didnt really get to make up with him. The end of the book made me cry, because you dont know when things might happen to someone very special to you, and you only get to live your life once so you should live a good one while you still can.
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The pig man review
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Reader reviewed by Brier

Book title and author: The Pig man by: Paul Zindel

Title of review: The Pig man

Number of stars (1to 5): 4


  This book was about two friends John and Lorraine come across and old man and become friends.


   When the teens become friend the kids find out that he had no children and his wife had died. Then they felt sorry for the old man and they hung around so he would have some company. Then one day he asked them to go to the zoo and they said ok so they went to the zoo with him and there was a baboon that he talks to. Then one day they found out that the baboon had died. Then the old man got depress then he went to the hospital while he was in the hospital they had a party in the house and they broke one of the pig statue and then the old man got upset and then not to long after the old man die.


 I thought this was a ok book but I think that it was mean to play that prank on the old man and they broke there oath and then they made him be depressed


 It was about the two teenagers making friends with an old man and the old man dies at the end when the teenagers broke the oath, and the baboon dies too.


  I thought this the book overall was a good book because the teenagers made a new friend but at the end the old man dies and the baboon does too. Then the teenagers feel bad that they kidded let him die.

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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Dutch in WV

The Pigman is about this boy and girl who are friends, and they hate school. The boys name is John and the girls name is Lorraine. The two kids play a prank on the phone and they call this old man named Pignati. They say they are a charity.

The story takes place at Mr. Pignatis house. John and Lorraine go to his house to pick up the charity money that the Pigman is giving to the kids.

John and Lorrain and Pigman are roller skating through the house and Pigman drops                                                                                 Mr. Pigman goes to the hospital and then comes home to his pig collection broken. Then the kids go to the zoo with Pigman to see Bobo and Bobo died and then Pigman dies.                                       The story is told from two points of view. One chapter is told from Lorraines point and the next chapter is told from Johns point of view. I think it was good how they did it so you can get both sides if the story.


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