The Pigman

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John and Lorraines visit to the pigman's house
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Reader reviewed by D

The Pigman is about two kids named John and Lorraine who prank calls Mr. Pignati. Then they keep on going over to his house everyday, but they have to try to hide it from their friends so their friends dont think something weird is going on.

John and Lorraine really do not know what they are getting themselves into when they prank call Mr. Pignati. They think that they are just playing a practical jock but they dont know that they are going to be friends with this total stranger. And that they are going to make this mans life better


In this story Mr. Pignati acts just like a little kid in this story. He loves to take the kids (John and Lorraine) out shopping and every thing else. The character John has a problem in this story the problem is that he grew up around a person that drinks a lot. So now John thinks that is okay to drink and smoke. Lorraine trys to convince John that he can get lung cancer or even worse and die, but John doesnt listen to her.
I think that this is a really good book. If you read this book you will really like it. It has different emotions like mad, sad, frustrated, sorry, and joyful. The author really does know how to write a good book


This is a very good book. And you will definitely like this book.
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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Shyane W.V

Book title and author: The Pigman by Paul Zindel

Title of review: The Pigman

Number of stars (1 to 5): 3

There are these two kids that make fun of a guy called the Pigman.

The main points are that the kids make fun of the Pigman and that they do a prank on him. They told him that they are doing a fund raiser to help lownely kids and they ask him for money and he said that he would give them 10 dollars for the fond raiser.

They get the money and then they fill bad that they took the money from him and they wanted to give it back but he wouldnt take it so they kept the money.

So I think that pranking that The Pigman was wrong I think that they should not have pranked The Pigman it was really wrong.

I think that what they did was bad and that they should of got ponished. If you want to know what happens next youll half to read the book to find out what happens next.

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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Sierra H.

Book title and author: The Pigman by Paul Zindlel

Title of review: The Pigman by Sierra H.

Number of stars (1 to 5): 4/5

This book was ok I thought that the book was sad at times and happy at others. The one thing I loved about this book is that you never know whats going to happen next. The main characters are Lorraine, Mr.Pignati, John, and Bobo. When John and Lorraine where in the high school Johns Nike name was the bathroom bomber, because he use to set off bombs in the bath room. Then he started to pick on the librarian Miss Reillen they call her the Cricket. Lorraine lives with her mom because her dad died four years ago.

Lorraine, John and some other friends played this game were you had to see if you can stay on the phone the longest and that how they met Mr.Pignati

Mr.Pignati lives only a block away from Lorraine so that why she picked him she told him that she worked at the L&J fund at she wanted to know if he would like to give a donate. He says he will but only ten dollars.

This books ending ended to sad. At the end this book the thing that got me is that John smokes and drinks.

This book was ok I liked it some but not a lot I would

Recommend this book to some but not all&.

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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Brett WV

The Pigman by Paul Zindel

Number of stars (1 to 5): 4/5

This book is called the Pigman. It is about two teenage kids and an old man.

First off the book begins by introducing John and Lorraine. John is the kind of guy who can kill a guy and get away with it. Lorraine is nice but can be easily lured into things. They meet the pigman by randomly prank calling people. Unfortunately Mr. Pignati is a victim.

They get Mr. Pignati for money in a fake charity. Mr. Pignati wants them to come get it. That is when it all began.

Mr. Pignati treated them like his own kids. They went to the zoo together, and bought them anything they wanted. They also fed Mr. Pignatis best friend bobo the baboon. While they are shopping, Mr. Pignati is trying to keep up with them and that is when it all start


Overall I thought the book pretty good and I would recommend for anybody. I hope you enjoy it like I did.

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The Review of The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Ashly Smith

Book title and author:  The Pigman, By Paul Zindel

Title of review: The Review of The Pigman

Number of stars (1 to 5): 5/5

This book is written by Paul Zindel, it is about two teenagers that get themselves into a lot of trouble. It all starts with them doing prank calls.

Paul Zindel said that he writes books for people who dont like to read and to help teenagers survive. I think thats a good enough reason to read The Pigman. Like Mr. Pignati said Is this some kind of joke. This is no joke. It is actually a warning telling you, you need to read this book.

The two teenagers names are John and Lorraine, they get themselves into a big situation, starting with the prank calls. When Lorraines turn is up for the prank call she calls Mr. Pignati a lonely old man that collects glass pigs. When he answers Lorraine asks Hello. Is this Mr. Pignati?  and he says It sure is. And Lorraine tells him that she is calling from Howard Avenue Charities. Mr. Pignati tells a few jokes to Lorraine then tells her that he would be happy to donate ten dollars.

Then when John and Lorraine get to know the Pigman a lot more they learn something that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat. The Pigman is something that all teens would love (if they like a little mystery).

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Revew of the pig man
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Reader reviewed by mark of west virginia

Book title and author: Paul Zindel

Title of review: The Pig man

Number of stars (1 to 5): 4

The Pig man is the book that I read  I thought that I was not going to like it but I  gess that I though wrong it was an ok book so let me tell you what I though about this pig man book.

The book was about a lot of the main people in the story. The book was good in some parts. The parts when they met new people it really newer got boring the people in the book where cool. There was some parts that took a while to reed till I under stood the book. The book I though it was not boring at all.

The book I thought was good in some chapters because people really did not get in to trouble like I thought they would. And some of the book was vary good over all. The story never got boring. I was thinking that it was going to be a boring novel . But it was not

I thought that the book was going to be the most boring book because it looked long and boring .But I liked the book a lot it was good. I though when the teacher asked us to read it that it was going to be boring .

I though the book was a good book. Overall  the novel or book is vary good at first I was thinking it was going to be boring but it was not. It is a wary good book well I liked it.

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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Sammy

Book title and author: The Pigman by Paul Zindel
Title of review: Pigman
Number of stars (1 to 5): 5

The setting of the book is at the pigmans house and at the zoo. There are four main Characters they are: John, Lorraine, Angelo Pignati, and Bobo. Angelo Pignati is the Pigman and he goes to the zoo every now other day. The Pigman feeds a monkey some peanuts. Lorraine and John is friends and they end up calling people and try 2 see how long they can stay on the phone with them


In the story Lorraine calls Angelo Pignati and they talk. Then, the John and Lorraine ends up going to the zoo the next day to see the Pigman. The Pigman buys a bag of peanuts and feeds it 2 a monkey named Bobo. Lorraine has just a mother. John has an older brother named Kenneth. The Pigman ends up liking John and Lorraine as friends.

I liked the Pigman because he acted just like a young teen. He took John and Lorraine shopping and he had bought them ever thing that kids picked out. The Pigman had also took John and Lorraine to his house and they played around at the house


I think this is a very good book. When I first saw the book I judged it, and now I no not 2 judges a book by its cover. The Pigman is a really good book and Its sad, funny, and leaves you with suspense.
Like I said its really a good book. Just to be honesty I really dont read books a lot ,but its a good book really read it now


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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Jodie of West Virginia(:

The two main characters in The Pigman are John and Lorraine. John is a trouble maker and rude. Lorraine is a smart but bossy. They are both sophomores in high school. They are good friends even though they may have there differences. Mr.Pignati, another main character, is a happy man that John and Lorraine meet because of a telephone marathon. Lorraine was cheating to find someone that she could get to talk long and it turned out to be more than what she had expected.

The Pigman tells how John and Lorraine grow closer and closer to Mr.Pignati each day. It all started when they went to have the telephone marathon like they always do. Lorraine was trying to pick someone that would talk to her a long time and she put her finger on Mr.Pignati. She said that they were collecting money for the J and L charity. They go to collect the money and they see how lonely Mr.Pignati is and so they start to spend more and more time with him each day. John and Lorraine start to realize how much they are starting to trust Mr.Pignati. One night Mr.Pignati was gone and John and Lorraine take there trust with Mr.Pignati to far. Everything goes wrong and now they dont know what to do. What will happen with John, Lorraine, and Mr.Pignati will everything be worked out or will they be separated from Mr.Pignati forever?

            This book is very good and I strongly recommend it. This book is good for girls and boys through the grades of six through ninth grade. It is written from John and Lorraines point of view and so you know what both characters are thinking. I liked the different points of views because you can see from two peoples point of view.

            John and Lorraine learn a lot from Mr.Pignati. They have more trust with each other and know that they have to be there for the other one. You always need someone that you know you have there for you and someone to tell you that they will help you get through the hard times. That is one of the many lessons that they learned from each other.

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Sad Feelings for Mr. Pignati
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Reader reviewed by Mary

The Pigman by Paul Zindel is a sad book.  It is about two teenagers John and Lorraine.  They decide to make prank phone calls.  They randomly choose Mr. Pignati's phone number.  When they call Mr. Pignati, they pretend to be a charity asking for a donation.  Mr. Pignati agrees to donate money.  John and Lorraine go to his house the next day to collect the money.  While there, they agree to go to the zoo with Mr. Pignati.  They soon find they are spending a great deal of time with Mr. Pignati.  As they learn more about Mr. Pignati, they find out that he has a big secret. 

I liked this book because John reminds me of myself.  He arranges "Apple Rolls" and makes prank calls.  He is funny. 

I would reccomend this book to all teenagers.  It keeps you involved witht he plot.

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The Pigman Lesson
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Reader reviewed by Kate from WV

The Pigman is a book its general purpose was to teach a lesson about letting love in, and the effect it can have on your life. John and Lorraine were teenage students writing an autobiography about their experience with an elderly man named Angelo Pignati. It all starts as a practical joke, John, Lorraine, Norton, and Kenneth prank calling people and seeing who could hold the person on the other line the longest. Lorraine was the one who cheated, and called Mr. Angelo Pignati and happens to keep him on the line the longest. Little did they know how close they would become with this elderly man.  

John and Lorraine were both bonded into somewhat dysfunctional families. After John and Lorraine met Mr. Pignati he changed their whole perspective of wanting to keep to themselves. After many adventures with the old man John and Lorraine start feeling like almost family to him. There were secrets about Angelo Pignati that surprise both John and Lorraine that only make them closer to him. Once the rising action takes place, John and Lorraine finally have some sort of bad effect on Angelos health that makes them realize how much they needed the old man In their lives after all. When I read this book, I could instantly tell how good it was going to be. I think that the way Mr. Pignati presented himself to both teens, left them both with a life changing lesson that they will keep with them forever. It also made me realize a few things about my own life, and the way I think.

The main plot of the story takes place after both John and Lorraine reconcile with Angelo Pignati after taking advantage of his home and throwing a party only to end in disater,  and decide to take him to the zoo to see BoBo, the monkey Mr. Pignati called his own. At this point, It was clear that Mr. Pignati could take no more, he looked deadly ill. It was only after seeing that BoBo died that everything shifted for all of the main characters.

Jhon and Lorraine learned a very important life lesson from Mr. Pignati, the pigman. They both learn to accept whats important in their life. They both learn to get along with their parents who, at the start, would have been the last people to understand them at all. They both walk away more confident about themselves. The event also changed the way John and Lorraine feel towards one another.  

To me the book proves a powerful point about life, and the major effect just one person can have on it. This book will take you away, and intrigue you with every word. Its sinister and divine. I loved the relationships that were created by almost giving up and heading towards the wrong direction and then letting a stranger show you more about love and the importance of giving and receiving it in return. This book is a must read in my opinion. Its clear to say that in this case, surely you shouldnt judge a book by its cover.

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