Spin of Fate

Spin of Fate
In a world inspired by karma, three teens encounter magnificent beasts, unforgiving magic, and epic battles in this propulsive and wholly original young adult fantasy.

“Evocative of Sanderson, Pullman, and Fullmetal Alchemist, yet at the same time shockingly original.” —Rosaria Munda, author of Fireborne

Aina’s world is governed by Toranic Law, a force that segregates people into upper and lower realms. It’s said that if the sinful lowers commit themselves to kindness and charity, their souls will lighten, allowing them into the peaceful upper realms.

But Aina, one of the few lowers to ever ascend, just wants to go back home.

Aina is desperate to reunite with her mother, hoping she’s survived the beasts and wars of her homeland alone. After failing to weigh down her soul with petty crimes, Aina joins a rebel group defying the authorities and bringing aid to those condemned to a life of suffering in the lower realms. Alongside Aina are two new recruits: Meizan, a ruthless fighter trying to save his clan from extinction, and Aranel, a spoiled noble spying for the powers that be.

Before long, the rebels find themselves in the middle of a brewing war. On one side, a violent king of a lower realm is bent on destroying Toranic Law; on the other, the authorities of the upper realms will do anything to stay on top. Now the young rebels must face both sides head-on if they want to stop a conflict that could break not only Toranic Law—but the universe itself.

Fans of epic, propulsive fantasies like Six of Crows and innovative world-building like Avatar: The Last Airbender will delight in A. A. Vora's ambitious, unmissable debut.

Editor review

1 review
Karma Inspired Magic System
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Something unusual for a YA fantasy novel- Spin of Fate has a complicated magic system with complex world-building and focuses heavily on philosophical ideas about morality. Based loosely on the law of karma, the world is separated into four segments based on the "spin" of a person's soul and morals. We spend most of the book in the two middle spaces with a cast of morally gray, well-developed characters. There are rebels, corruption, mythical beasts, and a girl trying to reverse the spin of her soul to get back to her mother. I love the whole concept of the karma-based magic system, where your actions can spin your soul into another realm. It is pretty harsh. For a debut novel, I was pleasantly surprised by how in-depth the characters are, and each has their unique voice and the ability to have you flip your loyalty like a switch on who you should be cheering on. I highly recommend this book to fans of Brandon Sanderson and Christopher Paolini.
Audiobook Review: the narrator did a fantastic job distinguishing between characters, which can be hard to do with one narrator. I was never distracted by the story's pacing and thoroughly enjoyed it on audiobook.
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