The Pigman

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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Jennifer in WV

  My review is on the book The Pigman.  It was written by Paul Zindel and is 222 pg long.

    This story is set in a small town somewhere in America and in school called Franklin High School. The main characters are Lorraine, John, and Mr. Pignati. Some of the less essential characters are Lorraines mother and Johns parents. The story begins with the reminiscing of John and Lorraine about their friendship with Mr. Pignati and how they became friends themselves.

    As the story takes off they immediately inform you about the bad choices they made and the things they know they should and should have not done to Mr. Pignati. When Mr. Pignati has a sudden heart attack John and Lorraine realize how much they really love and miss Mr. Pignati

    In my opinion I didnt like the book. The problem I had with the book was the immorality that the book contained. In the book John drinks smokes and doesnt have respect for his parents or other people. For some reason in the book Lorraine and John are able to do what they want without having to answer to anyone. The ending was really sad and that just isnt something I like. 

     The story does leave you hanging for a while and is exiting, but Id watch letting young children read the book though

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The Pigman Review
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Reader reviewed by Chanel

The Pigman is a memorial epic written by two sophomores in high school. There names are John and Lorraine.

One day when John and Lorraine are making prank calls with two other boys in their grade they dial Angelo Pignatis phone number and this is how they meet him. Lorraine is the one who picks his phone number. She pretends to be a charity worker and he offers her $10. 

John and Lorraine go to collect the money the next day, but the man is lonely and he them wants to go to the zoo the following day. When they decide to go with him to the zoo they find out that his best friend is a baboon named Bobo and feel sorry for him. He loves Bobo a lot and goes to visit him every day and feeds him peanuts.

They continue to go to the zoo with him every day and they become friends. Their friendship is an unusual one and everyone looks down on them. They like to do all kinds of stuff that other people find weird, they eat weird things such as snails and chocolate covered ants. Mr. Pignati likes to spend money on them and Lorraine feels guilty about it.

I think this is good book and recommend it for most ages.

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Pure Excitement
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Reader reviewed by Zach

My book review is on a book named The Pigman. The author is Paul Zindel.To me this book was terrific. In the beginning John was talking about these weird bombs that he had made, and hid in the bathroom, and as he heard them, he would chuckle. He`s a smoker, and a drinker. Lorraine actually likes john, and one day they met Mr.Pignati, and they changed forever. Mr.Pignati has these pig statues all over his house, and when John and Lorraine throw a party, the statues get broken. When Mr.Pignati found out he banished them from his home. Mr.Pignati changed t here lives forever.They were very sad about how Mr.Pignati banished them. Then they found out about his secret.

Despite everything, now John And Lorraine want to do something good  with there life.

To Me this was a great book and I think you should pick it up sometime and just start reading!

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The Pigs
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Reader reviewed by Ronnie from West Virginia

Book title and author: The Pig man and Paul Zindel  

Title of review: The Pigs

Number of stars (1 to 5): 3


There are some kids named Lorriane and John. These kids have been friends for a while.   


Lorriane John and a couple of there friends prank call somebody every Wednesday. Well it was Lorraines turn and she picked out Angelo Pignati. Well she calls this guy and he answers and they were talking and he asked why they called and she said she want him to donate some money. He asked for what fund and she said on the L&J fund. 


Well they sat up a day to come and get it. Well they gone up to get the money and then Mr.Pignati asked if they wanted to go to the zoo. They said they would.


They went to the zoo and went and feed this gorilla an his name was Bobo. Then they went home.


John Lorraine ands Mr.Pignati hanged out with each other for a little while. If you want to know what else happened then you will have to get the book and just read it.

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The pig man
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Reader reviewed by Tanner/cupcake WV

The Pig man by Paul Zindel

Title of review:

Number of stars (4 to 5):

At the beginning of the story there is a couple kids named Lorraine and John. They have been friends a while.

They prank call random people every Wednesday. They call a guy named the pig man . He likes to talk a lot on the phone. Lorraine and John made up this pretend donation thing called L&J.

The pig man wants to donate some money to them like 10 dollars. John thought it was a bad idea at first but they went anyway. They got there and all he did was talk until they said we have to go. .

The pig man gave them there money and they asked why hes house was so dirty. He said hes wife was in California. He said she did all the cleaning .He said shes been gone a month. The pig man almost started crying.

I hope you like this book. It is interesting.

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The best ever...
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Reader reviewed by Lee from WV

The Pigman is a book filled with life lessons. All the lessons you will learn by reading this story will lead up to main one in the end. I really learned a lot by reading this book. So you probably will too. In The Pigman two high school students named John and Lorraine play a prank and they let it get out of hand. That is how they met the pigman (Mr. Pignati). They become good friends with him. Then one day they betray him in many different ways.

John and Lorrain were having a telephone marathon and Lorrain picked out Mr.Pignatis name because he only lived a few blocks away. Lorrain was talking to Mr.Pignati as a charity worker and asked him to donate some money to her charity. Mr.Pignati wanted them to come over and collect the money and when John and Lorrain got there they discovered that he was a very lonely man and he collected pigs. That is how he got his nick name The Pigman. So John and Lorrain kept coming back to Mr.Pignati house.

The Pigman, Lorrain, and John was roller skating threw the house. The Pigman stopped and looked at John he was having a heart attack.

John called 911 because Lorrain was in shock and an ambulance came and got Mr.Pignati. When Mr.Pignati was in the hospital John and Lorrain had a party in the Pigmans house and accidently broke the pig collection he had. When Mr.Pignati got home he saw that his pig collection had been broken and he banished them from his house. After this happened Mr.Pignati died. and John and Lorrain understands life now.

I thought this book is pretty good. I would recommend this book to pretty much anybody.

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A wonderful book
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Reader reviewed by Alisa

     The title of this book is The Pigman. There are three main characters of this story. The characters names are John, Lorraine, and The Pigman. In the beginning of this story the two young teenagers, John and Lorraine, make a prank call to an old mans house. They tell the old man they are part of a fundraiser and they need donations. The old man is tries to be generous by invited the teenagers to his house to donate them money. The two teenagers and the old man become close. Lorraine and John visit the old man at his house everyday. They called the old man Pigman because he collected pigs, but his real name was Mr. Pignati. The Pigman also had a monkey named Bobo who lived at the local zoo.


     A main event in this story was when John and Lorraine find out the old mans wife had died years ago. Another main event in this story was when Mr. Pignati had a heart attack. When he had the heart attack, which was from rolling skating in the house with John and Lorraine, he left the house to them. The two teenagers decide to have a party in Mr. Pignatis house that turns into a disaster.


     I really liked this story. Although the ending was horrible, I really liked it. My favorite part was when John and Lorraine are searching through Mr. Pignatis house and they decide to dress up. They were pretending to be married and John throws Lorraine on the bed and kissed her.


      It was a very interesting story. I would definitely read it again.

I really recommend the book The Pigman. It is actually one of my favorite books.


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dont read this
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Reader reviewed by tyler

Book title and author: Pig Man Paul Zindel

Title of review: Pig Man

There are three main characters are Larraine and john and Mr.Pignati. But they call him the pig man because he has like millions pig statues


Larraine and john call Mr.Pignati and say they are with the J & H charity and ask him for a donation of ten dollars. They go and pick up the money and stay for a long time.         


I thought the book was boring because there is no action and it is kind of sad at the end but you can find out for your self if u read this book but I am not tell you about it.


I would not recommend this book because it is sad and if you like action there is no acting in this book at all and would be good if u is a girl because girls like the kind of stuff that is sad.

This book is not a good book so dont get it get some thing else that u think u would like but I personally do not like this book at all

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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Quentin

Book title and author: THE PIGMAN Paul Zindel           

Title of review: Pigman

Number of stars (1 to 5): 3

This book is about a boy and a girl John and Lorraine. One day they decide to prank call someone with some of there friends.


They end up getting Mr. Piganit they start to talk to him and they fell sorry because he doesnt know whats going on, but they still follow thru with the prank.

So they end up going to his house and getting some money. They started to fell bad but they still took advantage of the old man.

So they end up going to his house and getting some money. They started to fell bad but they still took advantage of the old man. They start to talk to the old man more and more every day.

Even though that John and Lorraine took advantage of the old man they still keep him company.

I think that this was an ok book and anyone that likes a funny and exciting story should read The Pigman

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Review on The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Megan of West Virginia :)

           John and Lorraine, the main characters and narrators, go on a wonderful adventure with Mr. Pignati, the Pigman, throughout the entire book. John and Lorraine are both sophomores in high school, but yet are like night and day. Their personalities are completely different in many ways. John is that trouble-maker at school. Hes the boy that loves to stir things up and make them exciting. His future goal is to be a male actor. Lorraine, on the other hand, is more isolated. She once thought that everyone was laughing, staring, or making rude comments about how the way she looked. Out of the two of them she is the good student in school, and she is always on top of her game. Her number one ambition is life is to become a writer.

            The setting takes place in a small town where most people know each other. I can really relate to this setting because I also live in a small town where youre not a stranger to most people.

            I think the author wrote this book to show how people can overcome things they didnt think they could, and how people can make new friends every moment of every day.

            The Pigman is mostly about John and Lorraine and their growing relationship to the Pigman. When John and Lorraine are making prank phone calls about a phony charity, Mr. Pignati soon ends up as one of their unknowing victims. As John and Lorraine arrive at his house, they soon realize that Mr. Pignati is a lonely, elderly man in great need of care. Soon, John, Lorraine, and Mr. Pignati are inseparable. The Pigman now treats them as close children and begins to spoil them with wonderful, but expensive, gifts. A deep trust between the three of them begins to form throughout the story. But when the two teens decided to have a party without the Pigmans knowledge they soon realize it might be too late to earn back the respect and trust of the loving Pigman. Will their relationship be gone forever, or will it break through and never be lost?

            I think The Pigman is a wonderful and heart-stopping book to read. I would recommend this book for teens in grade seventh through tenth. I think it is a great book to read. It combines all feelings such as; love, sadness, suspense, and trust. It is a standard fiction book that both girls and boys can both relate too, because it is written in the point of views of John and Lorraine. This book also teaches kids that no matter whom you are or what you look like, you can always find a friend who you can love, respect, and trust.    

            I hope everybody willing to read this book will read it. It is a very good book to read and easy to relate to. You will most definitely enjoy this book. The Pigman will keep you on your seat, craving for more. I can assure you that you will not want to put this book done once you have started. Please take your time and read this great book, and enjoy!

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