The Light Within You

The Light Within You
Co-Authors / Illustrators
  • Kamala Nair
Publisher Name
Two Lions
Age Range
Release Date
September 26, 2023
‎ 978-1542039123
A celebration of family love and the light we share with the world.
Diya is excited to be going to India for Diwali, the Festival of Lights. That means she’ll get to spend time with Nani, her beloved grandma, who she hasn’t seen since her family moved from India. Now India is 7,850 miles away…

Once Diya arrives in India, she immediately feels at home with Nani. Together they go shopping at the bazaar and prepare for the festival. As Diya and Nani celebrate Diwali together, Diya’s heart soars. But all too soon, her trip will come to an end. Is there a way for Diya to take some of the light and magic of Diwali with her when she leaves?

Editor review

1 review
Gorgeous Illustrations
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
The Light Within You is a gorgeously illustrated book that centers around one girl's excitement to travel back to her home country and celebrate Diwali with her beloved Nani. This book touches on themes of being an immigrant looking different from others and not having people familiar with your special holidays. The joy of returning home to the comfort of home and those you have missed. Then the ability to share your culture when you return so others understand you better. I love the specks on every page that looks like sparkles of light to add a bit of whimsy and emphasize the feelings of warmth and happiness that Diya feels celebrating Diwali with her Nani and family. The color palette is warm and bright communicating Diya’s emotions and making everything feel stronger. Overall, I like the representation of the immigrant perspective on visiting your home country and that Diwali was featured.
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