Review Detail

Young Adult Indie 559
5 major characters one prophecy to save the world
Overall rating
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What I liked:
Five young ladies have one prophecy that says they will save the world, a world they know nothing about, with magic they know nothing about. The Heirs of War series is one I read way back when it was first published in 2014. I thoroughly enjoyed it then, and now, nine years later, I am starting the series again, and it is just as good as it was back then. We have four young ladies who have been kept on earth, so to say with no idea, they will soon be connected with a 5th and are meant to save the world that they will rule one day. I love how Mara has each character set up with her power and identity, and they each handle the issue of this sudden revolution about who they are. I found the disconnect between the daughters and the parents they left behind odd, and I think they should have been more connected as soon as the girls arrived home.
Final Verdict:
The author does a great job setting things up for a sequel as we learn more about the darker side and that a war is being battled. I find the server issue the most interesting as she has a lot of heart and determination to use her gift to find her missing sister. If you like books about found family, female characters meant to save the world, and some mystery of who is truly the good and who is the bad, pick this one up today.
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