The Siren (Laments of Angels & Dark Chemistry #1)

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Reviewed By Faridah Nassozi for Readers’ Favorite
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In The Siren - Laments of Angels & Dark Chemistry by Meg Xuemei X, Lucienne's birth was so special in many ways, but more so because the privileged Siren bloodline had not seen a female baby for thousands of years. And then the baby girl went on to pass the sacred Siren test, thereby marking her as the heir to the Siren's throne and the first female Siren. This immediately earned the little girl numerous enemies among her family members. Under the guardianship of her grandfather and a trusted protector, Lucienne was raised to be the next great leader, and by the time she was fifteen she was as fierce and brave as any Siren, if not even more so. Imprinted in every Siren's DNA was the overwhelming aspiration to locate the Eye of Time and it was no different for Lucienne. The dangerous quest for the Eye of Time took her many places until she finally landed in the lost city - a place that held the promise of answers she so desperately sought, but also presented dangers beyond even her comprehension. With all the forces in her life colliding, the already too complex equation that was her life became even more intricate; there was Vladimir - the love of her life to whom her kiss was poisonous to a lethal degree; Ashburn - a boy from the lost city to whom she was bound by fate; an almost immortal enemy determined to put an end to her life; and not to mention her lifelong enemies back home.

The Siren - Laments of Angels & Dark Chemistry by Meg Xuemei X is a flawless blend of sci-fi, YA fantasy, supernatural events, romance, adventure, action, suspense and intrigue. It is a captivating mix of medieval settings with advanced technology, ancient cities and practices, super sophisticated tech labs, time travel and physics theories millions of years ahead of time, and yet all of it feels so effortlessly believable. What is absolutely fascinating about the book is how Meg Xuemei X managed to effortlessly blend these contrasting themes so flawlessly to give the reader a thrilling experience. The already exciting plot is brought to life with vivid descriptive writing and characters that are fresh and have real depth. The Siren - Laments of Angels & Dark Chemistry - is a one of a kind young adult story and the start of a truly captivating series. I cannot wait to read book 2 and see where this awesome adventure takes us.
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A Treat for Fans of Science Fiction Romance
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The Siren blends fantasy, science fiction, action, and romance perfectly.

I fell in love with all the characters—Lucienne, Prince Vladimir, and mysterious Ashburn Fury. Lucienne is truly a badass heroine, and I loved to watch her every move. At the end of the book, I feel as torn as Lucienne—how could she choose between the two equally powerful boys who both give her their hearts.
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Good read
(Updated: January 20, 2015)
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The series is a good read.
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