The Lunar New Year Surprise

The Lunar New Year Surprise
Co-Authors / Illustrators
  • Tammy Do
Publisher Name
Soaring Kite Books
Age Range
Release Date
November 07, 2023
"It's the first day of the Lunar New Year―the biggest, yummiest, NOISIEST celebration of the year!" During the festivities, can Gege find the perfect moment to present his handcrafted surprise to his little sister?
Children will learn what makes the Lunar New Year special, from the preparation responsibilities, to the celebratory new moon signifying the first day of the holiday, and the festivities that continue in the following weeks.

Whether rice balls for family togetherness, spring rolls for a fresh start, or noodles for long life and happiness, this tale has a foodie focus and shows why Lunar New Year is the yummiest celebration of the year, too.

Jade Wang and Tammy Do join together to represent their respective cultures as Lunar New Year, or the Spring Festival, is celebrated around the world and in various Asian countries.

Editor review

1 review
Interesting and Informative
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
The story begins on Lunar New Year where we meet siblings Meimei and Gege. They are excited about the new year celebration and as readers, we can learn more about their cultural traditions.

What I Liked: Although I am familiar with Lunar New Year and some of its traditions, I learned a few new things from reading this story. I found it fascinating to read about the lion dance and how it is supposed to ward off evil spirits. The illustrations are bright and help the story come to life. A section at the end of the book provides additional information about how Lunar New Year is celebrated around the world. Also included are two pages dedicated to the Chinese Zodiac Animals.

The Lunar New Year Surprise is a must-read for those who want to learn more about Lunar New Year.
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