The Happiest Lion Cub

The Happiest Lion Cub
Co-Authors / Illustrators
  • Zenia Tompkins
Publisher Name
Red Comet Press
Age Range
Release Date
September 13, 2022
A lion cub prince, with passion for music, struggles with his destiny to be king.
In the savanna lands of Africa lives a lion cub who dreams of being a musician. But his father is against this desire because he expects his son to become king of all the animals. And in order to become the king, he must learn how to growl menacingly, not how to play instruments and sing. Will this lion cub really have to abandon his dreams to fulfill his destiny? 

Editor review

1 review
The Beauty of a Dreamer
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
‘The Happiest Lion Cub’ by Oleksandr Shatokhin, translated by Zenia Tompkins, tells the story of a lion cub who only wishes to make music, not be king. He tries to convince of his father of this, his truest wish, but his father won’t hear of it. How could his son think there is anything more to life than ruling the savanna? Besides growling, hunting, roaring, and sitting as if frozen, among other responsibilities that lion cubs destined to be king have, he must prepare for his destiny now, and give up his music, according to his father’s wishes.

However, the lion cub refuses to be deterred from his dream. He doesn’t feel like anyone understands him, his music, or what it means to have dreams of his own until he one day stumbles across a fox pup who got lost in the rain. When he learns from the fox pup that his music was what led the pup to safety, and then finds both his own lion parents and the fox pup’s parents were led to him as well through his music when searching for their children, his life begins to have newfound meaning. His father realizes the value of the music he loves making, and they discover that not only can he keep playing music, but he can do so all while preparing to be and later being king.

The illustrations, especially those showing the other animals enjoying the lion cub’s music, are truly indicative of the beauty of a dreamer who has discovered that life is worth living since dreams can in fact come true.
Good Points
The illustrations, especially those showing the other animals enjoying the lion cub’s music, are truly indicative of the beauty of a dreamer who has discovered that life is worth living since dreams can in fact come true.
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