Review Detail

Young Adult Indie 170
A battle to end the curse haunting Blaylock Bay
Overall rating
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I should start by saying The Curse of Jenny Greene is far from my normal genre preferences. I’m not usually a ghost story kind of reader, but the cover art and the story blurb intrigued me and I’m so glad I picked this up because it’s so much more than a ghost story.
If you’re in the mood for a great supernatural mystery with a healthy dose of creepy ghosts and witches, AND a great romance, then look no further.
The authors do a brilliant job capturing the spooky ambience of Blaylock Bay, a place that will send shivers down your spine whenever Jenny Greenteeth makes an appearance. I certainly wouldn’t want to run into her on a dark and foggy night!
The authors also do a great job of blending their voices so it feels like one cohesive voice as they spin the fresh and imaginative tale of feisty Sophie Howell who only wants to find her missing little brother at any cost—even if she has to fight a cursed witch all on her own, give up the boy she loves, or even trade places with her brother.

This fast paced standalone novel is certain to keep readers on the edge of their seats long into the night—just make sure to keep a light on!
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