Review Detail

5.0 1
Young Adult Indie 719
Cute & Bittersweet
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Saving Sophie was a really cute and bittersweet novel.

I loved the characters. They were all so real.
They made mistakes just like everyone else and had to live with those very real consequences, trying to accept and forgive.
Forgiveness is a very prevailing theme in Saving Sophie. Each set of characters is looking for forgiveness in one way or another.

I really liked the character growth that Gabe had. He started out as this uptight perfectionist. While he never really lost those tendencies per se, he did overcome them some.

I wasn't fond of the fact that everything (inanimate objects) had a name. I got a bit confused with all the different names being thrown around. Honestly, I would have been fine with "climbed into the truck" over "climbed into Max," as the latter sounds pretty odd.

There was definitely a lot going on in this book.
Alcoholism, drug use, and teen pregnancy, just to name a few. With everything it could be a bit overwhelming.
I loved seeing a service dog in the book, as they don't get much shine, however I wasn't thrilled that Gabe was allowed to treat Joe (the service dog) as a pet while he (the service dog) was working.

Saving Sophie was a nice read full of emotion. I'd love to see more by this author.
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