Review Detail

4.5 5
Young Adult Indie 1622
Wait For You by J. Lynn
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I received an ARC of this book from the publishers in exchange for participation in a blog tour as well as an honest review.

I have read and reviewed several of Jennifer L. Armentrout's young adult paranormal reads and was anxious to branch out into her new adult books written under the pseudonym J. Lynn. I was approached by TLC Book Tours about participating in the blog tour for Wait for You and I jumped at the chance. I was a little anxious when I started reading the book because I was afraid one of my favorite authors could possibly end up letting me down as she attempted a slightly different genre than her normal young adult books.

Wait for You opens on an emotionally damaged nineteen-year-old girl named Avery who has decided to move across the country for college in an attempt to run from her past and get some space from her burdensome family. She never imagined how freeing it would be to walk a school campus and have no one whispering behind her back or glaring daggers at her when she came near. She allowed herself to make new friends and even ended up "plowing" into one of the hottest guys on campus.

Cam is intrigued by the awkward, skittish Avery from the moment he laid his baby blue eyes on her. He was determined to get to know her. Little did he know that Avery's behavior was due to a traumatic past that causes a wall to form between the two in which Cam must find a way to beat down at all costs. Cam too has a past he is ashamed of and doesn't wish to alert Avery to. Perhaps between the two of them they can find a way to heal their festering wounds with a love that melds hearts and souls as one.

I completely DEVOURED Wait for You. I could not put it down to eat, sleep, shower, or any of the normal human behaviors. I needed to know what was happening with two of the most well developed characters I have ever met within the realm of fiction. Avery resonated with me heavily due to her haunted past. I think everyone has some sort of past that they are either ashamed of as Cam was or devastated by as with Avery. This book covers all of that and causes it's readers to feel a kinship with either or both of the characters. Their courage to confront these hardships gives its readers faith in themselves that they can do the same.

The romance between Avery and Cam is the stuff of fairytales. Cam truly is the white knight with slightly scuffed armor who is sent to not rescue Avery, but show her that she can rescue herself. Wait for You is my first experience with the genre of New Adult and it has made me hungry for me.

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