Review Detail

Young Adult Indie 617
Great Sequel
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Would you risk your future to discover your past?

What I Loved:
The premise of this series is fantastic. Jahn combines a contemporary romance feel with the classic sci-fi element of time travel, and the result is a story about humans and families and the choices we make.
The relationships and interactions in this book are mature and steady. Not too much angsty, random teenage arguments going on here. This story is about real people, and that's what it feels like. Looking into the very down-to-earth lives of people in a world only slightly different from ours.

What Left Me Wanting More:
Charlie's character is somewhat less relatable than Brooke's was. When she made her choices, even the bad ones, they were driven by a desperate concrete need and had a tangible desired outcome. Charlie's need is much less urgent to warrant risking everything he has.

Overall, I highly recommend this book and its predecessor to anyone who enjoys thinking about life, decisions, and the way the smallest, everyday choices can impact our entire lives.
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