Review Detail

5.0 1
Young Adult Indie 138
Great novel, great subject!!
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** Spoilers!!** The Men in the Trees is a novel about a young woman who's a mother of a young boy and trying to make her life into something in the town of Corvallis, OR. Meryl is a very smart person and very clever too. She's made it on her own for a year but she longs to go to college but doesn't have the money so she gets a roommate who has a strange fascination with an old book. The roommate (Rose) is a school teacher who came to OR to find a long lost gold mine and make her fortune, but what she's not telling Meryl is that theres another side to the gold mine legend which include a sinister race of monster who live in the forest. The 2 women, Meryl's young son, her ex-BF and her new BF all decide to search for the gold together and as you can imagine all kinds of problems await them! Thi s is a book which will keep your hair standing on end and wondering who really has secrets and who doesn't. I highly recommend it.
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