Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2)

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Awesome sequel to Cinder!
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I was absolutely stunned when I finished this book. Somehow, Marissa Meyer has got me to love this book even more than Cinder, and that is saying alot. Cinder was probably within my top 5 books of 2012, and man, Scarlet is probably going to BE the top pick of 2013, unless some other book SOMEHOW manages to blow be away even more than Scarlet did.

It starts off right after Cinder ended, except you have a different main character: Scarlet. Now, Cinder is still pretty important( I mean, of course she is, since she's the freakin' key to EVERYTHING!), but you only get to see her viewpoint about 40%. There are also different characters viewpoint's thrown in there, pretty much at random, like Thorne, Wolf, and EVEN Queen Levena! Yes, that was a pretty interesting chapter. I really liked being able to see in different people view's, since it let me inside their heads and undertand their feelings and emotions. So, that was just ONE small detail that I loved. Unfortunately for you, my dear readers, I still have many other things to talk about and fangirl over!

Back to the story, so Cinder is on the run and Scarlet( your new main character, hence the name of the book!) is trying to find her grandmother, since the police decided to stop looking due to the lack of evidence and because her grandmother left without a trace. Scarlet runs into a person at a bar/restaraunt with a tattoo on his elbow. She later realizes that that tattoo happens to be the key to finding her grandmother. So, of course she asks for his help( ERM...not exactly ASKED for helped, but you get the point) and she goes on her journey with Wolf to find her grandmother.
Yeah, that is a very shortened up version, and it sounds much lamer than it actually is. Trust me though when I type this! IT BLEW MY MIND AWAY! There was so many surprises and the plot and characters were all amazing! And now I will continue on to tell about the new and old characters.

Cinder-She was as awesome as ever, except she is now on the run and desperately trying to get her powers under control. I seriously, love Cinder. How could you not? She is a kick-ass heroine and is a cyborg! So, don't worry people! Just because there is another heroine in the book doesn't mean that Cinder doesn't have her fair share of time in the book!

Scarlet-Ahh, the other kick-ass heroine in the book. I really loved her from start to finish. She was strong, intelligent, and had red hair! I did think that she may have been a little too impulsive, but her other characteristics made up for it. Overall, I thought she was a great new addition in this series, and hope to see her in the next two books!

Wolf-He was a very quiet and mysterious person at first. He was big and dangerous looking, but shy all the same. I'm not quite sure what to say about him. I liked him alot, but I guess I didn't love him in the beginning. I just thought he was an important character in the story. Later though, I started understanding him and ended up LOVING him for who he truly was.

Kai-What dissapointed me most about this book was that you don't get to see alot of Kai. I seriously loved Kai in Cinder, and it saddened me to find out that there couldn't be any romance between Cinder and Kai, because they are supposed to appear as rivals to the people. Kai is supposed to care about his country more than Cinder, and I do understand that, but it doesn't make me any less sadder.

Thorne- My first thought about him was that he was a moron, and I still think that. All the same, he was a hilarious new addition in the book! He always made horrible circumstances funny, and just had a fun vibe to him.

Ok, I know there are MANY other characters in the book, but it would take me forever to put my emotions for them into words, so without further ado I will talk about the plot.
Wow, Marissa Meyer did it again with her magical writing powers. The plot was intense, fast-paced, and kept me reading until the very last page. There were so many unanswered questions from the previous book and I was reading furiously to find them out! The plot was probably my most favorite thing about this story!

The ending, THANK GOD, was not a cliffhanger. At least, not in my opinion.
There are still many unanswered questions, but it isn't what you would call a cliffhanger. Nonetheless, I will be watching like a hawk for the third book! And there was still a thrill of excitement left in my veins that had me acting all gushy inside...even though I should be sad, since I WON'T get to read Cress, for more than a year!
Good Points
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Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
(Updated: February 04, 2013)
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Guys, I don't even know where to start. This book was absolutely amazing. Like mind blowing amazing. Every question I had from Cinder was answered in this book and it opened up so many more questions that I'm sure will be answered in Cress. I know I was saying for the longest how bad I wanted this book, but I should have waited. There is NO possible way I'll be able to wait until 2014 for Cress. I need to know what happens now!
In this book we see that Cinder has escaped prison and continued on her journey. And in doing so, she has defied everyone, from Prince Kai to The Lunar Queen. Across the waters, we meet Scarlet who is desperately looking for her grandmother who has disapperaed without a trace. She meets Wolf, a very very HOT stranger who's a street fighter (I CALL DIBS ON HIM! HE IS MINEEEEEE!) who knows more than what he originally says about her grandmother's disappearance. Together they work to put the pieces of Scarlet's life together as it unravels, as she finds out that her grandmother had more secrets than she ever knew. But then, they cross paths with Cinder and realize that the mystery is way bigger than they ever thought.
Everything about this book makes it a bad ass sequel. Although there was a cliff hanger in Cinder and I hated it, every question I had about it was answered in this book. There was nothing that I felt was unanswered. Then towards the end, the ending wasn't a cliff hanger, but it did leave me with more questions and wanting more than ever to finish reading the series. I love that Meyer was able to set us up for the next book without making it awkward and still keeping us interested.
Now the characters in this book are amazing! Cinder is still super strong and a great heroine. But I must say, I enjoyed Scarlet just a little more. Only because she was so strong and stubborn. She reminded me of me lol And then I was soooo happy to see Iko again! I was a little worried after Cinder, I wasn't sure if we would see her again. Then, although he was annoying, I was happy that Cadet *ahem* Captain Thorne was around. He seemed to mainly be there for the comic relief and I was thankful for it, because trust me, there is A LOT going on. Lastly, I LOVED Wolf. He was everything you would want in a book boyfriend. Sexy, edgy, and full of secrets. The usual bad boy. I loved learning more about him. I was also thankful for the pre-quel that Meyer wrote that explained his beginning. His tale alone is an emotional one.
What made this story for me, was the truly remarkable world building. I was blown away by the way Meyer was able to tell the story of two different heroines at the same time without confusing her readers and then having them collide as if they were together all along. To make it even better, we are able to read it from everyone's point of view which makes us able to know more details about each character and what is going on in their world.
Scarlet picks up right where Cinder left off and definitely sets the stage for the brewing war in the future books. This book easily became one of my favorite books and The Lunar Chronicles becoming one of my favorite series. Scarlet was an amazing sequel that will leave you waiting, wanting, and wishing for more!
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Loved it! Much better than Cinder.
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Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
ARC received from Feiwel & Friends (Macmillan)
Release Date: 2-5-2013
Reviewed by: Middle Sis Jenn
The Sisters Say: Shocking, Salacious, and Seriously Awesome!

So, I read Cinder and Scarlet in the last few weeks, and while Cinder was good, it didn’t blow me away. BUT Scarlet did! It more than blew me away—It smacked me in the face with its awesomeness!!! From Chapter 1, I was reeled into this futuristic world, and for the entire 450 pages, I didn’t want to be anywhere else. Scarlet is mesmerizing—be prepared to enter a world dripping with malice, encounter characters laced with deceit, and discover love breaking its bonds.

Like I said in my Cinder review, I really like the world that Marissa has created. It’s futuristic, yet it retains many similarities to our own world, so it’s easy to relate. But the technology is what sets us apart—and this future is intricate and captivating. I love seeing the different advances that have taken place and how they have affect society as a whole. The androids and cyborgs create a different dimension that separates Marissa’s world from other dystopian novels. I look forward to the next two books in the series, as they take place in separate parts of this new world.

I really liked that this book focused on Scarlet. At first, I was kind of wary because she was completely new character, and I didn’t know how it was going to fit in with Cinder’s story, but the two plot lines merged fantastically. The story is told in alternating perspectives, so we get to see Scarlet as she travels down her road in search for her grandmother, and on the other end, we also get to watch as Cinder travels down her own road of self-discovery. I will admit, I enjoyed Scarlet’s story much better. Scarlet was strong-willed and determined, but still all too human. She falls prey to human vulnerabilities, and I liked seeing how others had to come to her aid. She was strong, but needed help at times, and that made her open herself up to new relationships.

I absolutely loved Wolf because he’s my YA type! Troubled and broken, broody with secrets. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—that’s the best YA guy in my opinion. I love knowing there are secrets behind their actions because I love mystery in a guy, and there is definitely mystery surrounding Wolf. He’s strong and over-protective, domineering and a jerk-face at times, but that just adds to the tension that he creates with Scarlet.

In Cinder, I though the plot twists were extremely obvious, and while I still saw most of the twists in Scarlet coming, they weren’t laid out as openly. You kind of had to stretch to see them. Still, I’m hoping for a little less predictability in the future.

If you’re a fan of Kai (which I’m not a huge fan of), then you might be disappointed in this book. He only shows up a handful of times, and those times are really not very lengthy. I was perfectly fine with this because he is a bit too goody-goody, nice guy for me.

Lastly, I will say that the blurb isn’t written the best. It makes it sound like Scarlet and Wolf are meeting up with Cinder and that most of the book will follow them together. This wasn’t even close to the case. They run into each other very late in the book—the rest of the time they are on their own.
Overall, this was a fantastic read, and I would highly recommend it to fans of dystopian worlds.

Scarlet + Wolf = Jaw-dropping, edge of your seat fun!
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Will Be a Favorite of 2013
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Why I Loved It: After reading Cinder *which I did pretty recently because I was putting it off for fear of hating it due to the whole cyborg-cinderella idea* and loving it, I knew that I would have to buy Scarlet. Which is probably why it was on pre-order. My sister, once again, claimed it first. Because I am a wonderful sister who lets her read the books first even though she reads so much slower than me, I allowed this. But I almost killed her after she took THREE WHOLE DAYS! I mean that's just awful when you have already waited so long. I only gave in because she technically read Cinder way before I did. So now that I have gotten way off topic...

Scarlet was like the coolest twist off of Red Riding Hood ever. The whole idea behind it with the sci-fi steampunk kinda of feel to it made me all kinds of ooey gooey good inside. The book is a sequel to Cinder, but I would say it's also a bit companion-ish. Most of the story is told from Scarlet's perspective with flashes showing what Cinder is up to throughout the book with all coming together in the end. That's the biggest spoiler you shall receive from me.

As a character, Scarlet was like this awesome take-charge, have no fear kinda girl. I mean she kicked butt. Run into a den full of "wolves"? Sure no problem, if it means helping Grand-mere. I loved that about her. She was so protective and loving. And the tension between Scarlet and Wolf. Yes. That is all. Just... yes.

Scarlet is free of many of the insecurities that Cinder faced, and in this book Cinder has moved past quite a few of those to become a much fiercer side of herself. I absolutely adored the characters in this book, but Scarlet really made the book awesome.

Ms. Meyer is incredible with the way she works her magic with these fairy tales as old as time. I love her style, her plots, and her characters. I'm so excited to see how the story pulls together in the next story. It should be epic.

Who Should Read It: Fans of Cinder, amazingly redone fairy tales, and fans of steam punk type stories.
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Made Me Fall in Love
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Wow. Just wow. I know I really enjoyed Cinder, but I'm pretty sure that it did not have the effect on me that Scarlet has. Marissa Meyer is one talented lady!

We end Cinder with Cinder's world turned completely upside down. All we know is that she's probably going to die if something doesn't happen soon and then we're left there to hang. How in the world is she going to get out? I'm pleased to say, you do find out what happens to her in Scarlet. Cinder's story moves along at a nice pace I found appropriate for the hero of the series. Her plot keeps moving forward but it doesn't cause Scarlet's story to suffer any. In fact, we make some very interesting discoveries about Cinder and her past in Scarlet.

But, of course, it's Scarlet that we've all been anticipating. How will Meyer do The Little Red Riding Hood in a futuristic world full of aliens? Have no fear, it's amazing. I absolutely loved Scarlet's character and plot. She had a great story line that led very nicely and smoothly up to Cinder's. But to every great plot, everyone knows there's an absolutely amazing love interest and Wolf is so much better than Prince Kai! I love Wolf. Trust me when I say, you will not be able to guess anything when it comes to his past and what exactly about him (rather than some obvious signs) makes him the "wolf" of Scarlet's journey. I mean, he's human after all. Right?

As far as characters go, I think I'd have to pick Scarlet. I just connected with her more. Cinder is all mechanical, and that's not the poor girl's fault, but it's the only word I can think of to describe her character and how she thinks. There's nothing wrong with that but I enjoyed Scarlet's point of view more mostly because she seemed to ask the questions and pay attention to the things I or any other human would. Plus, she's tough, even when she knows resistance is futile, and she never gives up.

When it comes to the male leads, well, I'll quote what a friend of mine said. Tall, dark, and scary. That's my type of guy when it comes to fictional books. Don't get me wrong, I think Prince Kai is sweet and perfect for Cinder but Wolf is just cooler (and perfect for Scarlet).

The writing was great. I'd have to say though, the last 150 pages or so had my whole body tense the entire time. I was physically flipping out with some of the things that happened. I could not put the book down and I could not read fast enough.
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Review: Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer
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So awesome I can't wait for the next one
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A stolen ship with a saucy captain, street fighting, train jumping, and romance - how much better can it get?

I can't recommend this series enough! If you haven't already you need to pick up the first book in the Lunar Chronicles, Cinder! This second book Scarlet was fan-freaking-tastic. I can't decide if I love it more than the first but regardless they were both great! Meyer has a wonderful gift for storytelling. She draws you in with her fabulously realized characters, even her minor characters have unique voices all their own. The world she has created is so unique and yet so eerily our own, that I can really picture this being how things end up on our planet. I especially love Iko, the android with a real personality...she is so lovable.

Now for the new characters! - I know most of us don't like the addition of new characters because you can't wait to get back to the ones you originally started with but these ones were a great addition! I found myself liking them right away. The Captain that isn't a Captain, well he just really grows on you even though you want to smack him from time to time. I think of him as comedy relief.

Originally I thought that the second book would continue to follow Cinder, as that was a retelling of the classic Cinderella. But I didn't mind at all when we were introduced to Scarlet, Meyer's version of Little Red Riding Hood. I connected with her a lot and SPOILER! - I couldn't help falling for Wolf right along with her.

Wolf was definitely my favorite character. I love his shy demeanor and the way he doesn't know what the simplest things are. But a wolf is still a wolf and wolves will always be....dangerous. *cackles madly*

I'm tormented that I have to wait at least another year for the next installment. I'm so curious as to whether it will include another classic fairy tale retelling! *cracks the whip* Keep it coming Marissa Meyer!
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I have had this book since February and just finally read it. I loved this book, possibly even more than Cinder. Marissa Meyer is a genius, I love her books and the way she does fairytale retellings is phenomenal. The twist on Little Read Riding Hood was done so well and the plot and story was just as engaging as Cinder.

This book follows Scarlet for the most part as she is on a mission to find her grandmother who she believes was kidnapped. We follow her as she searches for her missing grandmother and finds herself in a bit of trouble. We do get to see some of our old favorites such as Cinder and Emperor Kai and even someone who is nobody's favorite by any means, Queen Levana. We also get to meet some new characters as well such as Scarlet, Thorne and Wolf. The combination of the new and the old was interesting and really added well to the storyline.

I have to say I found Scarlet to be refreshing. She was totally kick-butt and didn't put up with crap from anyone. She had her own opinions and was not afraid to speak her mind. I loved Cinder, do not get me wrong, but she had the tendency to hide when things got rough. We get introduced to Wolf in this installment and all I can say is I absolutely love him. He's tough and protective. Yet at the same time he's shy and timid. He's just such a complex character and I did not see that twist coming with him. Finally we have Captain Carswell Thorne. I may actually like him more than Emperor Kai. He's funny and is always joking. He has a good time with everything and he may be dirty but it's hard not to laugh when he's talking. I was actually kind of hoping something would blossom between him and Cinder but there's always a chance right?

This installment had everything I could ever want. There was action and fight scenes as well as some totally sweet romance. Things got tense in certain parts and I was on the edge of my seat turning pages to find out how things were going to go and what was about to happen next.

Like with Cinder last year, I was swept up in the story and had a hard time putting the book down. When it ended I really didn't want it to be over and now I have to wait until 2014 until the next installment into this riveting and wonderful series.
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My Scarlet Review
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The second book of the Lunar Chronicles was just as gripping and mind blowing as the first. Scarlet meet and exceeded my expectations! Not only did the book fall into place with the ending of the first, but it also introduced more lovable characters along the way. Now we are following the lives of two completely opposite girls who must come together to save the world. I am so anxious for the last two books to come out! I am most eager to read the final book Winter. Snow White came in second for me when it came to favorite Disney princesses!

Scarlet is searching for her lost grandmother. Cinder is trying to escape from prison and save her neck. They are both stuck in the middle of a catastrophe. Scarlet’s grandmother has been keeping a dangerous secret for years. Scarlet just has no clue what it is and why anyone would want to take her. Cinder just found out that she was Princess Selene. She is struggling to cope with everything this entails.

Scarlet was one of my favorite characters in this book. She is a very head strong and brave individual. She is willing to risk everything to save the person she loves the most. She is also not afraid to stand up for herself and others. Although her rushing into things gets her into trouble at times, she means the best. I was so sad for her at times in the book. It seems that the good people always suffer the most sometimes, and that was definitely the case for Scarlet. Her losses are devastating, but she is strong and I am hoping she finds a way to fight back in the next coming books.

Cinder was another one of my favorites from the get go. She is strong willed, selfless, and genuine. I hated the injustices she faced at the hands of her stepmother, The Lunar Queen, and now Kai. He turned his back on her when she needed him the most. I see that he thinks that he is doing the better good for his kingdom and the world, but he is just being plain stupid to think that would solve anything. Queen Levana is blood and power thirsty and there is only one way to quench that thirst. She wants to rule the world. I will say I was sadly disappointed with Cinder when she tucked tail and ran from her responsibilities. I can understand how frightening it must be, but people have given their lives for her in hopes that she will fulfill her duties as a Princess and win back her throne. So I ask myself who is more selfish, Cinder or her believers/saviors? I am just shocked that she still has feelings for Kai. I just do not know how I would feel about someone who turned their back on me.

The comical side of this story was brought on by Captain Carswell Throne. I loved how humorous he was. He always brought a bright side to a situation. He was also very loyal to Cinder; OH did I mention he was handsome! Although he is a criminal, he turned out to be a really great guy. He was also very resourceful when it came to Cinder’s escape. I am hoping to continue to see more of him in the series. I find myself eager to find out his happily ever after.

Wolf and Scarlet….. OMG…. their relationship is so heart pounding, swoon worthy, hand on heart awww evoking, and tragic! Wolf is the type of guy any girl would want. He is handsome, strong, sweet, thoughtful, protective, and he has super human senses. I mean come one I feel like my dream guy just appeared before my eyes! LOL! I definitely have a book crush on him. I was just so upset with how easy it was for the Lunars to control them. I know that Wolf was struggling between protecting Scarlet and obeying his “masters” and I hated it. BUT I did love their whirl wind romance. It was a definite love at first sight. I found his inexperience with worldly things adorable. I am really rooting for their relationship! I cannot wait to read more about them in the future books!

I was really delighted with this book. I felt it ended on a strong note and left me anxious and eager to see how the story will continue in the next installment. I was really disappointed in Emperor Kai throughout this book. I understand that he now has to think about the greater good for his people, but I felt that the whole time he was just blindly making unwise decisions. That one brutal, surprising attack should have said it all. I really hope that Cinder ends up with him, but I also hope that as a character he grows with the next two books. I was ultimately blown away with all the events happening in the book, and I would definitely recommend this book!

**********IMPORTANT UPDATE********

You may want to read The Queen’s Army in between Cinder and Scarlet so you have a better understanding of what is going on in Scarlet. Just click the title; the read is free (:!
Good Points
Great story! Awesome characters!
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New Favorite Series
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I’m not even sure where to begin because there’s just so much I love about Scarlet. I read reviews saying Scarlet was better than Cinder, but I was skeptical. How do you get better than something I already pretty much consider one of the best? I’m still not sure how exactly that happens, but it did.

So, the first of many things I loved about this book were the characters. Cinder is back, and this time, while she’s still adjusting to her new-found identity, she’s not the insecure mechanic that was introduced at the beginning of the series. She’s much more determined. She’s quick-witted and smart, and she uses that plus her Lunar abilities to make it through the novel. I loved seeing Cinder start to come into her own. I’m sure she has quite a journey ahead of her before the last book, but this was great progress.

Unlike Cinder, Scarlet, our newest addition to the fairy-tale gang, does not have insecurity. What she does have is a gun and a feisty streak a mile wide. She knows how to run her life, let me tell you. Even when bad things happen, like her missing Grandmother, she waste no time and springs into action. She does get down, depressed, and sad, but she’s not the type to mope. I have a feeling her temper might get her into trouble in later books, but in this book it serves her pretty well.

Prince, now Emperor Kai is back, though if I had to make any complaint with this book, it’s that he’s not on the pages nearly enough. I missed seeing him interact with Cinder, but given the circumstances to the ending of Cinder and the fact she starts the book as a fugitive that would be a bit difficult to manage. Even so, I really felt for the guy. He’s not having an easy time running his country with the plague and the Lunar Queen all on his mind.

As for the new guys, Wolf and Captain Thorne, they’re both just as great as characters. Wolf is more of a broody, dark, almost “bad boy” archetype, but unlike most, the reasoning behind his character makes a lot of sense. I can’t talk much about his character without giving plot details away, but I will say I loved the addition of Wolf and his companions. It made the story seem scarier and really drove home how much is at stake with all the tension between Earth and the Lunar colony. Thorne is more of the comic relief type, but that’s not to say his character is shallow. He was one of the most fun characters to read in this book besides Iko. I didn’t even realize how much I missed Iko until she showed back up!

The way Marissa Meyer weaves the story together is just amazing. All of those different characters I’ve come to love at first seem so separate from each other. What could Wolf possibly have to do with Cinder’s tale? How would Scarlet get involved in this plot? I was intrigued as to how the plot lines would intersect and I was really pleased by the end result. I cannot imagine the amount of thinking, planning, and plotting that had to be done to get all the different aspects of this story to flow together so seamlessly.

I didn’t dislike the ending to Cinder, but I didn’t love it either. It didn’t hamper my enjoyment of the book, but it wasn’t something I walked away from thinking was the best ending ever. The ending to Scarlet, on the other hand, is one of my favorites that I’ve read in awhile. It leaves the impression that there’s a lot more to come, but the characters are so resolved that you can’t help but to get excited for what they’re going to do!

Final Impression: I have a LOT of thoughts and opinions on Scarlet, and they’re all positive ones! The world that Marissa Meyer has created just sucks me in every time and I *had* to read this book in one sitting, no matter how much time that took. Scarlet, Wolf, and Thorn are new additions to the Lunar Chronicles, and I loved them just as much as I loved my old favorites of Cinder, Iko, and Kai. This has become one of my favorite series.
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Publication: February 5, 2013
Publisher: Feiwei and Friends
Source: Publisher (Thanks!)

Cinder is one of those books that is so amazing and beautiful. You have to admit it, Cinder is wonderful. Marissa Meyer is clearly a gifted, talented author of Cinder and Scarlet. Great creativity and imagination. Right now I'm going: How come I never dream up of a cyborg Cinderella?

Scarlet, like Cinder, carries that unique trait that makes readers want to read and read until the last page. That trait makes readers go "How could you not like this book?" Scarlet is quickly and wonderfully paced, perfect for readers of most ages. (Some chemistry/hot moments) It's a good thing Scarlet isn't one of those "middle child/whiner" book.

The plot of Scarlet is a huge eye opener. I can fall in love with it, plot alone. It's that good, people. There isn't that much of dialects, but that's okay because Scarlet is better without it. The writing is va va voom and delicious. I can devour it and not get enough. I'm addicted and I just can't get enough. (Not kidding.) It's clear and full of talent. It's even better than Cinder, actually.

The ever changing of POVs are refreshing and perfectly changed. POVs of Cinder, the dashing Prince Kai, the evil Queen Levana, the hot Wolf, and the badass gun-carrying Scarlet are included.

Scarlet is the retelling of the red riding hood tale. Wolf, surprising, isn't the wolf of the tale. It's someone way different.

Awesome Characters:

Scarlet: She's one of those badass heroine who is a "attack now, ask questions later" type of persons. Scarlet is an alpha, who can take action immediately despite the danger and threat. She's a better character than Cinder, in my opinion. Her greatest strength and weakness? She's fiercely loyal to the people she loves. (Grandmother) Wolf isn't included in that group till the last few chapters. She will do anything to protect and save the ones she love.

Wolf: Woo! We have another hot guy to swoon over. (Everybody, run over to Wolf and leave Prince Kai alone). Yeah, I know you might be rolling your eyes at this, but truly is he. It helps if you read The Queen's Army although it is not required. Wolf is the Alpha. Even though others may seem to see him as an vicious animal, he cares about Scarlet. It is obvious that he care, if not love Scarlet.

Prince Kai: I can't help but feel terrible for Prince Kai. In one of the scenes with him and a press conference, Prince Kai is unbelievable hilarious despite his diplomacy skills. I'm angry at Prince Kai, but I'm not telling you anything.

Cinder: Cinder, in the beginning, is like this little lost sheep. It's infuriating for me because I hate ignorant/lost characters who wander around aimlessly until they find a true goal. In the end, Cinder finally find her true goal and determination. She finds her inner agenda. She's a major character in Scarlet.

Thorne: I mean, Captain Thorne is the womanizing, suave character. He is hilarious and so cheerful compared to Cinder. I like how he calls himself Captain, but can't pilot his own ship. (Epic Fail, right there). He doesn't even know what's in his own ship. (Double Fail) He brings the life and fun into Scarlet.

Rating: Five out of Five-Drop whatever book you're reading to read this book. Cinder, if you haven't read that one.
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