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4.7 16
Young Adult Fiction 664
My Scarlet Review
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The second book of the Lunar Chronicles was just as gripping and mind blowing as the first. Scarlet meet and exceeded my expectations! Not only did the book fall into place with the ending of the first, but it also introduced more lovable characters along the way. Now we are following the lives of two completely opposite girls who must come together to save the world. I am so anxious for the last two books to come out! I am most eager to read the final book Winter. Snow White came in second for me when it came to favorite Disney princesses!

Scarlet is searching for her lost grandmother. Cinder is trying to escape from prison and save her neck. They are both stuck in the middle of a catastrophe. Scarlet’s grandmother has been keeping a dangerous secret for years. Scarlet just has no clue what it is and why anyone would want to take her. Cinder just found out that she was Princess Selene. She is struggling to cope with everything this entails.

Scarlet was one of my favorite characters in this book. She is a very head strong and brave individual. She is willing to risk everything to save the person she loves the most. She is also not afraid to stand up for herself and others. Although her rushing into things gets her into trouble at times, she means the best. I was so sad for her at times in the book. It seems that the good people always suffer the most sometimes, and that was definitely the case for Scarlet. Her losses are devastating, but she is strong and I am hoping she finds a way to fight back in the next coming books.

Cinder was another one of my favorites from the get go. She is strong willed, selfless, and genuine. I hated the injustices she faced at the hands of her stepmother, The Lunar Queen, and now Kai. He turned his back on her when she needed him the most. I see that he thinks that he is doing the better good for his kingdom and the world, but he is just being plain stupid to think that would solve anything. Queen Levana is blood and power thirsty and there is only one way to quench that thirst. She wants to rule the world. I will say I was sadly disappointed with Cinder when she tucked tail and ran from her responsibilities. I can understand how frightening it must be, but people have given their lives for her in hopes that she will fulfill her duties as a Princess and win back her throne. So I ask myself who is more selfish, Cinder or her believers/saviors? I am just shocked that she still has feelings for Kai. I just do not know how I would feel about someone who turned their back on me.

The comical side of this story was brought on by Captain Carswell Throne. I loved how humorous he was. He always brought a bright side to a situation. He was also very loyal to Cinder; OH did I mention he was handsome! Although he is a criminal, he turned out to be a really great guy. He was also very resourceful when it came to Cinder’s escape. I am hoping to continue to see more of him in the series. I find myself eager to find out his happily ever after.

Wolf and Scarlet….. OMG…. their relationship is so heart pounding, swoon worthy, hand on heart awww evoking, and tragic! Wolf is the type of guy any girl would want. He is handsome, strong, sweet, thoughtful, protective, and he has super human senses. I mean come one I feel like my dream guy just appeared before my eyes! LOL! I definitely have a book crush on him. I was just so upset with how easy it was for the Lunars to control them. I know that Wolf was struggling between protecting Scarlet and obeying his “masters” and I hated it. BUT I did love their whirl wind romance. It was a definite love at first sight. I found his inexperience with worldly things adorable. I am really rooting for their relationship! I cannot wait to read more about them in the future books!

I was really delighted with this book. I felt it ended on a strong note and left me anxious and eager to see how the story will continue in the next installment. I was really disappointed in Emperor Kai throughout this book. I understand that he now has to think about the greater good for his people, but I felt that the whole time he was just blindly making unwise decisions. That one brutal, surprising attack should have said it all. I really hope that Cinder ends up with him, but I also hope that as a character he grows with the next two books. I was ultimately blown away with all the events happening in the book, and I would definitely recommend this book!

**********IMPORTANT UPDATE********

You may want to read The Queen’s Army in between Cinder and Scarlet so you have a better understanding of what is going on in Scarlet. Just click the title; the read is free (:!
Good Points
Great story! Awesome characters!
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