Review Detail

4.7 16
Young Adult Fiction 663
Review: Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer
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So awesome I can't wait for the next one
Good Points
A stolen ship with a saucy captain, street fighting, train jumping, and romance - how much better can it get?

I can't recommend this series enough! If you haven't already you need to pick up the first book in the Lunar Chronicles, Cinder! This second book Scarlet was fan-freaking-tastic. I can't decide if I love it more than the first but regardless they were both great! Meyer has a wonderful gift for storytelling. She draws you in with her fabulously realized characters, even her minor characters have unique voices all their own. The world she has created is so unique and yet so eerily our own, that I can really picture this being how things end up on our planet. I especially love Iko, the android with a real personality...she is so lovable.

Now for the new characters! - I know most of us don't like the addition of new characters because you can't wait to get back to the ones you originally started with but these ones were a great addition! I found myself liking them right away. The Captain that isn't a Captain, well he just really grows on you even though you want to smack him from time to time. I think of him as comedy relief.

Originally I thought that the second book would continue to follow Cinder, as that was a retelling of the classic Cinderella. But I didn't mind at all when we were introduced to Scarlet, Meyer's version of Little Red Riding Hood. I connected with her a lot and SPOILER! - I couldn't help falling for Wolf right along with her.

Wolf was definitely my favorite character. I love his shy demeanor and the way he doesn't know what the simplest things are. But a wolf is still a wolf and wolves will always be....dangerous. *cackles madly*

I'm tormented that I have to wait at least another year for the next installment. I'm so curious as to whether it will include another classic fairy tale retelling! *cracks the whip* Keep it coming Marissa Meyer!
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