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Young Adult Indie 214
Missing the Beat Revuew
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I’m really glad that Cait chose the order that she did for these book. Out of the three, Maya was my least favorite so I wasn’t sure how I was going to enjoy this story. But I loved it. The first two books really build Maya’s character and I am so grateful for that. If you ignore the epilogue in Meeting the Star, this book takes place right after. It’s summertime and filming is wrapping up. Of course, Lucas’ best friend happens to be her first love. Like the other two books, this one follows the same formula but it’s just so good. The story was a little different because of their history but it eventually gets flushed out and all the feelings in the open. I absolutely loved this book and it was such a good way to end these stories.

As I said above, Maya wasn’t my favorite. It’s probably because out of the three, she is the most unlike me in personality. Kylie and Eliza were so easy to connect because they has characteristics that reminded me of myself. I didn’t really see anything in me in Maya. Once I realized that her personality was different, I learned to love her. She is a strong character who knows exactly what she wants and will do anything for those she cares about. In the other two books, she was a very strong woman but this book showed her vulnerabilities and I loved that about her. Xander was interesting as well. I know it’s all cliché but I love the fact that Cait didn’t make any of her famous characters bad. They were all down to earth and very respectful, including Xander.

Overall, Missing the Beat by Cait Marie was amazing. If there was going to be one in the series I didn’t enjoy as much, I assumed it to be this book. However, I loved it. The rise and fall of the plot was good and the pacing fantastic. Being the shortest book of the trio, I definitely flew through this book. If you enjoyed the other two, then please make sure you read Maya and Xander’s story.
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