Review Detail

4.6 3
Young Adult Indie 230
A unique dystopian, science fiction world.
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
The story:
Leaf and Oaklee live in a medieval style, self-sustaining, community within a biodome called New Eden. Cut off from the real world, they’re part of an experiment to see if people could live on Mars without technology and in isolation. Its occupants are LARPers (Live Action Role Players) living in a world where the creator of New Eden, guides their every move. When Leaf and Oaklee learn their father’s death may have been at the hands of someone in their community they’re forced to confront the fact their life may not be idyllic as they thought.
Fillion is a hacker who lives in a world obsessed with technology and dying from pollution, a stark contrast to the world inside the biodome. His father is the founder of New Eden, and he hates everything his father represents. With his world set to collide with Leaf and Oaklee’s he discovers he may not be as in control as his own life as he’d imagined.

What I loved:
The unique concept of the story is what drew me in and kept me reading. The depth of the world building really set the scene and I enjoyed learning about how it all worked.

What was just okay:
While it was beautifully written, the story was slow paced and sometimes it took a long time to get to a point where something interesting was happening.

Final Verdict:
Full of great world building, interesting characters, betrayal, romance, and mystery, this was a great start to an interesting and original series.
Good Points
Great world building.
Unique concept.
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