Review Detail

Young Adult Indie 492
Gimmicks and Glamour
(Updated: August 05, 2023)
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Ashly Harris has a big secret she's hidden since a child. She can see the world of the fae. This has led to her not only being ridiculed but basically being alone. Only one friend listens. Caris. When things take a more sinister twist, it's up to Ashly to confront the very thing she fears to protect those around her.

What worked: Fast-paced unique twist on the world of fae. What's different about this novel is the protagonist's sensory abilities open up a whole new world to her that just happens to be the ability to see faeries. Mostly these faeries are harmless. Things take a serious turn when some more menacing faeries suddenly appear.

Ashly's character is well-developed. She's strong but also struggles with trusting those around her. Only one person at least listens to her and Ashly isn't sure if Caris is toying with her feelings or not.

Added plus is how this is more a story of Ashley's journey of acceptance of not only her abilities but herself as well. Good LGBTQ representation too.

I did want more development on the other characters. Jasmine is more of a stereotypical 'Mean' girl and Brad is the high school Jock. The story moves fast from Ashly worrying about graduating and a few snide hallway snips from Jasmine. Readers get there once was a friendship there that quickly turned into a not-too-nice rivalry. Caris is kind of mysterious. Ellzey sets up her backstory at the very beginning when Ashly remembers their first encounter on the playground as a child. Saying that though I figured out Caris at the start. The ending also was kind of sudden.

There are some quiet romantic scenes with Caris and Ashly. Nothing too deep.

Perfect fantasy for fans of the world of the fae with a strong protagonist who sets out to protect her classmates and be true to her heart.

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