Review Detail

Young Adult Indie 755
Another jewel by M. Lynn
Overall rating
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Going into this book, I didn’t know what to expect, other than a hella good fantasy story, like all of Michele’s stories.

When I started reading, I thought this would be a classic “ordinary farm girls wants revenge”-story, but it turned out to be so much more.

The details with which Michele wrote this story and built the world, made for an outstanding image in my mind. I felt like I was right there with Hua in those fields, at those training grounds and in that little border town. Despite all the world building and detail, the writing style was easy to read and understand and most of all, the story was fast paced, gripping and intriguing. It made me want to continue reading, hence why I read this book in only two sittings spread over two days.

Hua is one of those characters that could be a hit or miss. Her story started out like a classic fantasy story surrounding a badass female lead. These kind of stories could really go two ways; either they follow the much travelled road and turn into a cliché or they go their own way and end up surprising the reading in ways unexpected. For me, Hua’s story definitely followed the latter. Yes, of course there were some cliché bits and the heavily hinted revelation of what Hua really is, didn’t come as a surprise, but the impulsiveness of Hua’s character shown through in the story and it was an honest delight imagining what Hua would do next and finding that I imagined wrong.

The tension in the air surrounding Hua’s secrets could be felt throughout the whole book, the respect of her comrades for her was beautifully written and Hua’s relationships with both Luca and Jian were done nicely.

What I’m most thankful for is that romance wasn’t the main plot of this book. I’m grateful that Hua didn’t fall for the first strong man she saw, which is something you often do see in books like these and even though I’m a sucker for romance, in this story it wouldn’t have fitted, and so I’m glad it wasn’t there.

I loved this book with all my heart and I truly cannot wait to read the sequel!
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