Review Detail

5.0 1
Young Adult Indie 112
Crocotta's Hackles
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Crocotta’s Hackles by Katharine E. Wibell is the third installment of the sweeping epic fantasy series, The Incarn Saga, about the Kingdom of Elysia and their war against the brutal Raiders. This extremely fast paced book continues seventeen-year-old Lluava’s story as she ventures off into the wilderness outside her country in the hopes to find aid and salvation for Elysia. Picking up where Ullr’s Fangs left off, Lluava’s friends have headed to the capital to prevent to power hungry councilman from gaining control while the Raiders still threaten the boarders. Left virtually alone, Lluava pursues a different course, one that leads her closer to her supposed destiny and the truth of what it means to be an Incarn. Crocotta’s Hackles is full of surprising twists right off the bat and complex plots and themes that add to this vibrant and harsh world. Like the other books in the series, it deals with real world issues including racism, sexism, religious persecution and the struggle to find one’s place in the universe. Shapeshifters, Viking-like villains, gods and prophesy, I highly recommend this book to anybody who enjoys fantasy and adventure stories.
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