Review Detail

Kids Indie 461
Cute Story About Trying New Things
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Zander the white goose wants to try something new this year for the winter season. Instead of migrating with his family, he wants to stay behind this time and see what winter is all about. But the colder it gets, the harder it is for him. He tries to ask the other animals what he should do, but none of their ideas seem right for him. Just when he thinks the worst, he's saved by someone unexpected and winds up having a blast.

ZANDER STAYS is a cute story about stepping out of your comfort zone and taking chances. Sometimes change is hard though and you need a little help. The illustrations are vibrant and I love the dark outline of the goose to make him stand out against the white winter wonderland. In the back of the book, there's an Author's Note that teaches more about how animals adapt and survive the winter. It teaches the difference between hibernation and migration.

Final Verdict: I would recommend this to children who love animals and who are curious to learn more about hibernation and how a goose would react if they didn't migrate. My daughter and I enjoyed this read and I loved being able to teach her more about what animals do during the winter season while we're cuddled up with a blanket.
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