Review Detail

4.0 1
Young Adult Indie 160
An action-packed adventure of self-discovery.
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Wilder (The Guardian Series, #1) by G.K. DeRosa

About the Story:
Celeste Wilder has her life planned out; graduate and go to NYU. That is until shocking secrets are revealed upon the arrival of the Constantin brothers. As her eerily real dreams and eighteenth birthday loom, Celeste will discover that her destiny is already planned, and that an entire paranoromal world has existed right under her nose.

To do what you feel is right, or to do what has been done before?

The Story:
The main character is seventeen when we meet her, and at the cusp of graduation. Yet as her birthday draws near Celeste begins to have dreams of her deceased father. Not only that, the new arrivals in town are watching her far too closely for comfort - especially as they're rather good-looking. Finally we understand that, no matter her plans for college, Celeste has been destined for a higher purpose since birth. Of course, nothing is that simple and the dangerous attention of a powerful vampire threatens to unravel all, and harm those she holds dear.

The Characters:
The main protagonist, Celeste, was very sweet. With her strong sense of morality, humor, and kindness, she is a good role-model for the younger reader. Simultaneously, I found her to be quite intelligent, yet also was dubious of her reasoning when she didn’t make obvious connections, and ask more questions. Her life was spiraling out of control, after all. She did develop well over the story, finding more inner strength, decisiveness, and curiosity.

I loved the interaction between the two Constatin brothers. Nico was an easy character to love. The character’s background story was well-developed, though their reactions during the story were that of young men and not one-hundred year old vampires. We see Roman slowly softening, and Nico a solid and entertaining presence to his friends. This story is perfect for fans of the instalove romance and love triangle.

The World:
Set in a small town where everyone knows everyone. Ultimately, the setting was clear with only a few minor disparities in the work; such as the drinking age in town. The secret, paranormal world was my favorite part of this novel due to the detail and history. We meet wizards, vampires, a fairy, and more. I enjoyed the depth of family history we receive about the Wilders.

DeRosa’s writing style is easy to read and flows well. It is the strength of this young adult story. The language used in this novel is simple and is suitable for 13+. We are given a lot of information via dialogue in the first third of the book, and at times there was a slightly contrived feel to the delivery. However, as the story progresses we are swept into Celeste’s story, and the strife she is cast into. The ending is wrapped up satisfactorily while also paving the way for a sequel.

Final Verdict:
A unique twist to the usual paranormal tale which still manages to retain the best elements of the genre.

Favourite Quote:
“That’s not what my brother asked. Now answer us: what are you doing here in Oak Bluffs?”
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