Review Detail

5.0 1
Young Adult Indie 144
A Story That is Only Getting Better
Overall rating
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The kind of story that shatters all predictions from readers and holds so many surprises, you won't be able to guess what happens next.

You know what they say about when you assume things. I fell into that trap before I picked up book three in the Guardian series. And trap it was.

Let's start with Alek, the villain. He isn't quite the big bad evil I wanted to hate. No, he's much more complicated and conflicted than that. In fact, he isn't even the worst person in this story. That title belongs to the werewolf who plagues Celeste at every turn. I was surprised and amazed that Ms. Derosa could make me pity Alek after everything he'd done.

The Constantine brothers are still their swoon worthy selves, though Celeste and Roman's relationship has become more complicated - like everything else. I think my favorite character was the sexy, protective Italian guardian that Celeste befriends. I appreciated that the author didn't turn it in to a love triangle situation, as much as our new beau wants it to be. Celeste only has eyes for Roman.

The biggest thing I didn't like about this book was that it was over and that's a testament to the cinematic style with which G.K. Derosa writes.

This is a series that has gotten better with each book and I can't wait for more from this author.
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