Review Detail

5.0 1
Young Adult Indie 251
Raw Contemporary Romance
Overall rating
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As a fan of Michelle Lynn's riveting previous works, this one was quickly added to my TBR pile and I was not disappointed.

Callie is trying to find who she is and the ocean is the only thing that speaks volumes to her. Jamie has liked Callie for a while, but she's blind to it. I loved watching Callie and Jamie grow from your average teens into something more. Feelings blossom and raw, realistic emotions I could relate to are exposed.

Until something happens that changes everything. When life throws them a curveball, it was interesting to see everyone react to it in different ways and realize they aren't as invincible as they think.

Michelle Lynn's writing pulls you in from page one and keeps you turning. My favorite quote: "Chaos took no time at all to develop. It just happened. We didn't get a warning."

Final verdict: Another winner from Michelle Lynn and I can't wait for the second! Fans of contemporary romance will enjoy this riveting read that pulls you into the raw emotions and lives of Jamie and Callie.
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