The Word Dancer

The Word Dancer
Publisher Name
Snowy Wings Publishing
Age Range
Release Date
April 18, 2023
When traitors take over the kingdom of Wisland, Wynnfrith, a young orphan raised at court, must flee with Oliver, the five-year-old crown prince. In order to reach safety, the two children embark on a treacherous journey that pits them against the cruel Ugsome family. Though she is afraid, Wynnfrith is determined to keep Prince Oliver safe.

Aided by Mistress Plummety Peache, a feisty enchantress with a loving heart, and by the magical and mysterious Word Dancer, Winnfryth learns to use not just her head, but also her heart to ignite the full power of words.

If Wynnfrith can find within herself the way to unleash this magic, she might just be able to defeat the enemies of Wisland-and realize the true bravery within her.

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