Olivia Wolf and a Million Olivias

Olivia Wolf and a Million Olivias
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Release Date
May 14, 2024
Olivia Wolf and her friends face off against dozens of evil Olivias who are out to destroy everything. The third installment of Olivia Wolf is here!
It's Sam's birthday, and Olivia and her friends are celebrating it at an amusement park, which has the most incredible ball pit in the whole of Monstrocity. But little do they know, Marquis Three-Eyes, a fearsome villain, has bewitched the balls in the pit, and from its depths dozens of evil Olivias begin to emerge who want to destroy the entire amusement center.

Can the wolf girl and her friends stop  the  clones and the malicious Marquis Three-Eyes before its too late? There are no dull days in Monstrocity!

Editor review

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Olivia Wolf and a Million Olivias is the third book in this graphic novel series. The monsters are getting together to celebrate Invisible Sam's birthday at Mick Rabbit's Fun World and Ball Pit. They are having a fantastic time until Olivia jumps in the ball pit and, all of a sudden there are many clones of Olivia taking over the complex. At the very beginning of the book, we see a spell being put on the ball pit, but we don't know who or why they would do this.

When Olivia visits the nearby comic book store, she learns that a clone tried to purchase a limited edition comic book. Olivia wonders what was so special about that comic book. Her great-grandmother wrote the comic book depicting Marquis Three Eyes as the villain. Using some inspiration from Olivia's great grandmother's comic book, Olivia and her friends defeat Marquis Three Eyes.

What I Liked: Just like the previous books in the series I appreciate the use of bold and colorful graphics that help support the storyline. The character introduction at the beginning of the book is so helpful in following the storyline. Out of the three books in the series, this one felt more humorous than spooky. I especially thought the monsters giving Sam his birthday gifts was quite funny.

Olivia Wolf and a Million Olivias is an enjoyable read and the perfect addition to the series.
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