The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice

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The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
April 02, 2024
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When ten-year-old Felix drops a penny in the wishing fountain at the center of town, he really doesn’t expect his sixteen-year-old sister to suddenly like him again, or to offer to share a cinnamon bun or watch cartoons like they used to. She hasn’t even remembered she was supposed to give him a ride home! But someone else is at the fountain too: a strange old man with a fishing pole who claims to be invisible. To Felix’s amazement, he learns that the old man is a Wishkeeper, and he needs an apprentice! But being a Wishkeeper’s apprentice isn’t just about organizing incoming wishes and untangling wish snags: a strange wolf-man who’s been haunting Felix’s dreams is real and a threat to every wish that has ever been granted in the town of Whittlestone, the town’s Wishkeeper, and Felix himself. With lively illustrations, this sweet adventure bubbles with charm and heart.

Editor reviews

2 reviews
A beautifully written magical tale
(Updated: May 25, 2024)
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The Wishkeeper's Apprentice is a beautiful chapter book combining fantastic characters, imaginative detail and action, and a glimpse into a magical world. Felix is a typical boy from an ordinary family who deals with feelings of hope, longing, frustration, and feeling out of place everywhere. Rupus, the wish keeper of the small town of Whittlestone, is wonderful and warm, a bit absent-minded, and knows a lot more than he is willing to say. And he has no problem granting "illegal" wishes. The story's pace, the unfolding events, the twists and turns, and the smatterings of humor and drama make for an unforgettable journey. Beautiful black-and-white illustrations throughout help set the scene. (And, oh yes, there is a map!) A smaller format adds to the appeal of this book; it makes it feel more magical and classic. Perfect for newly confident readers (and 7+) or sharing at home or in the classroom. Charming, adventurous, enchanting, I just loved it.
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An enchanting, emotional adventure
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What worked:
The author offers a new twist on the concepts of wishes and magic. Rupus Beewinkle does much more than grant wishes and he sorely needs a new apprentice. Every person’s wish must be considered and cataloged whether it comes from a wishing well, birthday candles, dandelion petals, or turkey wishbones. The magic for some wishes requires little risk but other wishes are deemed ungrantable. The more complicated the wish the better chance there is of complications. Wishes involving life and death are considered illegal.
Rupus comes across as an eccentric character since he’s overwhelmed by problems that have arisen. He calls his secret home Snugwarm because it’s so cozy although there are messy stacks of papers and cards all over the place. He still manages to find time to indulge his sweet tooth with scrumptious snacks. His snorlick is a tasty drink that calms the characters and fills them with more positive thoughts. Rupus behaves a bit like a rebel since he has an inner desire to grant as many wishes as possible. This might explain why the wishes in his town have been experiencing snags unless an evil creature isn’t as extinct as all of the other Wishkeepers suspect. The plot offers an unexpected, passionate twist as it nears its climax.
Emotions play a large part in the story as they strongly affect the way characters view the world. Hope and joy are two of the strongest ones while despair and gloom can destroy a town. Felix is the main character and he’s feeling alone and unwanted. He especially misses the closeness he used to have with his older sister but she thinks he’s an annoying nuisance now. Rupus provides Felix with a sense of purpose and belonging that gives him more courage and optimism. However, events hit his emotions hard and force him to battle for his existence. Rupus and Felix are forced to battle the attack on positive feelings to save the entire town from desolation.
The final verdict:
This enchanting tale will captivate young readers through its unusual characters and original plot. It’s fast-paced and easy to read with charming illustrations to enhance the story. Overall, this unassuming book will be loved by all young readers and I highly recommend you give it a shot.
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