Review Detail

Kids Indie 339
picture book about what makes us unique
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is a story about what makes us special. The animals have all gathered together, and they are considering what is the most important feature. First, the rabbit says that the most important thing is to have long ears. All the animals imagine that they have large ears too. Next, the hedgehog says that it is most important to have quills, and the animals imagine that they have quills too. The discussion continues until owl suggests that maybe all of these are important - but on different animals that make them all unique and important.

What I loved: This is a story about the problem with comparing and the utility of appreciating all the things that make us different. Children will giggle as the animals are shown under flaps with what was suggested to be most important thing, such as with long necks or webbed feet. The repetitive nature of the story will work best for young readers, such as toddlers and preschoolers. The flap idea was pretty cool with reveals of the animals underneath. The font itself is large, clear, and easy to read throughout the book.

What left me wanting more: The images are really simple, which may work as pages turn quickly. While the pages are a bit thicker than typical, they are still fairly soft, and some of the flaps ripped the first time we read through it, perhaps because of the large size and tough little hands. The journey and conclusion was stated outright to give the theme and a more subtle approach may have worked better.

Final verdict: Overall, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is a silly picture book about appreciating the things that make us different.
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