The Griffin's Egg

The Griffin's Egg
Publisher Name
The Wild Rose Press
Age Range
Release Date
January 15, 2024
Lost in a wild West Virginia forest, Phoebe Gray's world is upended when she finds an irritable goblin named Gnish-Gnash. She’s stumbled into Lerch Hollow, a place of magic and mystery where trolls lurk in shadows and mermaids sway with the tide.

The young adventurer soon finds herself caught up in a race against time; the Dark Mistress Lucinda is on the hunt for the last Griffin's egg, for its power will make her unstoppable.

It is up to Phoebe to protect the egg while discovering the secrets of her own magical connection to the mysterious wizard Thatcher.

With Gnish at her side and her grandfather’s old cloak on her back, Phoebe must protect this enchanted world from destruction.

Editor review

1 review
Right is right and wrong is wrong
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What worked:
Gnish-Gnash is an intriguing character as he likes to overstate his abilities and is clearly reluctant to share some information about his past. This goblin is in possession of the last griffin egg but there’s some uncertainty surrounding how he’s gotten it. The vagueness in his comments indicates he’s hiding things from Phoebe which may make readers wonder if he’s good or bad. He’s also done something wrong among the goblins because he may not be welcome if he tries to return home. The uncertainty of his past makes him an interesting character to watch.
The plot has continuous action as Phoebe and Gnish-Gnash try to stay one step ahead of the Dark Mistress Lucinda. She’s forced some characters to recover the griffin’s egg and others hope to gain her favor once she controls all the lands. Other characters are enchanted into supporting Lucinda and are unaware of their own behaviors. The positive part of her evilness is Phoebe and Gnish-Gnash are constantly on the run which allows readers to constantly discover new magical settings and characters. Whenever the characters enter new settings, there’s always doubt as to whether they’ll encounter helpful friends or dangerous foes. The conflict between Phoebe and Lucinda is the focus of the story.
Some vagueness in Phoebe’s past makes her the most interesting character. She’s given her grandfather’s purple cape when her grandmother decides she’s responsible enough to have it. It’s a little wacky to wear a purple cape and why would she need to wait to receive it? After she enters a portal into the magical world, Phoebe discovers she’s able to change into different kinds of animals. This ability is attributed to the purple cape although other characters posit that Phoebe’s actually a witch. Maybe it’s due to the magical world itself. Readers begin to assume she’ll be able to use her powers to escape every situation but they may also wonder if she has other undiscovered abilities. It turns out that she’s a pretty smart young girl since she uses her quick thinking to come up with creative ways to use her powers. Her unending kindness creates its own form of magic.
What didn’t work as well:
Phoebe doesn’t bat an eye when she discovers a goblin, a griffin’s egg, and a portal to an enchanted world of magic which is hard to believe. The author doesn’t provide any time for Phoebe and readers to adjust to the change from reality to fantasy. There are quick transitions in action and events throughout the plot, more so in the beginning, which seems too abrupt and underdeveloped
The final verdict:
The fast-paced plot and Phoebe’s character are highlights of the book. The griffin’s egg is the catalyst for the conflict but the story goes beyond that. Overall, this book is very entertaining and I recommend you give it a shot.
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