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5.0 1
Young Adult Indie 82
Readers' Favorite Review
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Reviewed By Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite

The Boy Next Door: Falling for You, Book 1 is a young adult coming of age novel written by Danielle Lee Zwissler. Keri was looking forward to a relaxed morning in her dorm room, watching a favorite show and eating chocolate chip cookies, when her roommate interrupted her viewing to tell her that her mom was calling. Keri and her mom spoke on the phone a lot, so it was no big deal and something Keri decided to put off until later, but then she heard the change in Alexis' voice, and, her heart thudding, she picked up the receiver. Her dad had had a heart attack, and, no, he hadn't died, but was in surgery. Her mom needed her and her twin brothers to come home and be with her. Keri had an unused emergency credit card her parents had given her when she left for school, and she and Alexis quickly threw together just enough gear for the trip. Before she knew it, she was on the plane going home to Texas, and when she got there, her best friend, Payton, was waiting at the airport for her. He seemed different somehow, despite the fact that they had grown up together and been virtually inseparable until she went away to school. That different quality tugged at her subconscious even as she fought her emotions on the way to the hospital to see her dad.

Danielle Lee Zwissler's young adult coming of age novel, The Boy Next Door: Falling for You, Book 1, is a relatively short novel that wraps the reader up in a warm and quite irresistible tale of first kisses and best friends exploring new emotions and feelings for each other. Within the first few pages, I found myself happily immersed in Keri and Payton's world. Zwissler admits in her introduction that there was never a boy next door in her life, since she grew up in the country miles from the nearest neighbor, but despite that fact, she gets it. Her plot is fresh and authentic. The juxtaposing of Keri's home life and school experiences is deftly handled in this finely plotted and beautifully written book. While this book is geared toward a young adult audience, I wouldn't hesitate to also recommend it to those very fortunate adult readers who have remained young at heart. The Boy Next Door: Falling for You, Book 1 is most highly recommended.
Good Points
Reviewed By Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite

The Boy Next Door: Falling for You, Book 1 is a young adult coming of age novel written by Danielle Lee Zwissler. Keri was looking forward to a relaxed morning in her dorm room, watching a favorite show and eating chocolate chip cookies, when her roommate interrupted her viewing to tell her that her mom was calling. Keri and her mom spoke on the phone a lot, so it was no big deal and something Keri decided to put off until later, but then she heard the change in Alexis' voice, and, her heart thudding, she picked up the receiver. Her dad had had a heart attack, and, no, he hadn't died, but was in surgery. Her mom needed her and her twin brothers to come home and be with her. Keri had an unused emergency credit card her parents had given her when she left for school, and she and Alexis quickly threw together just enough gear for the trip. Before she knew it, she was on the plane going home to Texas, and when she got there, her best friend, Payton, was waiting at the airport for her. He seemed different somehow, despite the fact that they had grown up together and been virtually inseparable until she went away to school. That different quality tugged at her subconscious even as she fought her emotions on the way to the hospital to see her dad.

Danielle Lee Zwissler's young adult coming of age novel, The Boy Next Door: Falling for You, Book 1, is a relatively short novel that wraps the reader up in a warm and quite irresistible tale of first kisses and best friends exploring new emotions and feelings for each other. Within the first few pages, I found myself happily immersed in Keri and Payton's world. Zwissler admits in her introduction that there was never a boy next door in her life, since she grew up in the country miles from the nearest neighbor, but despite that fact, she gets it. Her plot is fresh and authentic. The juxtaposing of Keri's home life and school experiences is deftly handled in this finely plotted and beautifully written book. While this book is geared toward a young adult audience, I wouldn't hesitate to also recommend it to those very fortunate adult readers who have remained young at heart. The Boy Next Door: Falling for You, Book 1 is most highly recommended.
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