Review Detail

Kids Fiction 621
Beautifully illustrated book about conquering your fears
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While they say never judge a book by its cover, I did exactly that while looking at Punky Aloha's cover. The cute little girl with giant sunglasses caught my attention and I wanted to learn more.

Punky Aloha and her Grandma are making banana bread when they realize they are missing butter, an essential ingredient. Grandma asks Punky to go to the store to purchase it. Punky feels nervous and shy, but Grandma has the perfect solution. Using her magic sunglasses, Punky can become brave. The brave Punky goes to the store and meets some new friends along the way. When Punky crashes into a young boy her sunglasses break and Punky realizes she doesn't need them to be brave.

The book emphasizes courage and how facing your fears can be scary, but worth the effort. This book is beautifully illustrated with colorful pictures that make the story come to life.

Punky Aloha is a wonderful addition to any library, but I am certain that parents of shy kids will find it especially inspiring.
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