The Storyteller

The Storyteller
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
March 05, 2024
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Featuring an evocative text and luminous paintings, this stunning book celebrates the power of stories—how they connect us, inspire us, and keep memories alive.

Griffin’s grandmother spins the most marvelous stories, from breathtaking fairy tales to fascinating family lore. These stories fuel his imagination and fill their days with magic. So when he sees her once-bright spark begin to fade, Griffin is scared to think of the future. Fortunately, though, he has her stories to guide him—and to remind him that he is braver than he could ever imagine.

Editor review

1 review
The Power of Stories Passed Down
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The Storyteller is a beautiful children's book that takes the magic of the elderly generation, the stories they tell, and how they can empower us to share with the next generation. Beautiful illustrations and a touching story of a grandmother who inspires bravery, imagination, and wisdom with the tale she weaves for her grandson. Once she passes on, he knows those tales are valuable, so he shares them with his children when he grows older, and in this way, his grandmother lives on in his heart and mind for the future. It is a touching tale that will delight any child and may help those whose grandparents have moved on and are no longer around to share stories.
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