I Was: The Stories of Animal Skulls

I Was: The Stories of Animal Skulls
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
May 07, 2024
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A graceful tribute to the cycle of life reveals the secret language of skulls—and the traits and behaviors of the animals they once belonged to.

Strong, smooth domes, skulls are more than remnants of creatures that used to be. They are artifacts that allow us to travel back through time. Every ridge, hollow, and crevice of a skull reveals something about an animal’s habitat, food source, and skill set. By observing the characteristics of six different animal skulls, readers can learn about the lives once led by a lynx, a deer, a beaver, a hummingbird, a wolf, and an owl. Katherine Hocker’s lyrical text and Natasha Donovan’s fluid artwork, paired with sound scientific data and back matter resources, will ignite a child’s native curiosity and encourage mindful observation of the wonders hidden in nature—and ourselves.

Editor review

1 review
I Was, You Are
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I loved everything about I Was: The Stories of Animal Skulls.

The digital illustrations are breath-taking. The artwork is vivid and honoring all that can be found in nature. My kids thought the images were super cool, being able to see what each skull WAS and IS, and had fun guessing what each animal was before turning the page.

The lyrical text is easy for children to follow along with. I really like that the author made each spread a guessing game. Her subtle hints could have been one animal or more, which could be bit difficult for younger children to guess.

Additional information like the human skull and animal facts can be found in the few pages of back-matter material.

I highly recommend this book for home and school libraries! Readers of all ages will enjoy this beautifully macabre children's book.
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