Review Detail

Kids Indie 415
picture book about making a difference
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
MAYBE YOU MIGHT is a picture book about hope and making small changes. A little girl finds a seed and while everyone tells her that it won't make a difference, she thinks that maybe it might. Even though everything seems stacked against the seed sprouting, she tends to it with love, bringing water from the well and giving it shade. Eventually, it grows more, and as it sprouts and others grow, they begin to pull water into the air and create a river once more, changing the world.

What I loved: This is a really sweet book about making a difference with small choices. The book brings a lot of hope in the word "might" and offers that some things are worth fighting and working hard for. The illustrations have a unique style that captures the story and the magic of the changing world based on a little decision. The text is rhyming and flows smoothly as the story is told.

What left me wanting more: As a small thing, it was not really clear that this was about climate change, except in the synopsis. The message about changing the world, even if there is only a small chance, does come across regardless.

Final verdict: MAYBE YOU MIGHT is an inspiring picture book that encourages children to follow their ideas and make a difference in the world around them.
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