Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1)

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1)
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Release Date
September 08, 1999
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Harry Potter has no idea how famous he is. That's because he's being raised by his miserable aunt and uncle who are terrified Harry will learn that he's really a wizard, just as his parents were. But everything changes when Harry is summoned to attend an infamous school for wizards, and he begins to discover some clues about his illustrious birthright. From the surprising way he is greeted by a lovable giant, to the unique curriculum and colorful faculty at his unusual school, Harry finds himself drawn deep inside a mystical world he never knew existed and closer to his own noble destiny.

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Harry Potter is extremely overrated!
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Just to be clear, all my friends telling me, "You need to read Harry Potter, it's the best book ever!" is such a false statement. As far as I'm concerned, it's just the average kids book, probably a little worse.

Harry has no personality whatsoever, so there is a downfall. I mean, he's a nice kid, but that's basically as far as it goes in terms of what he's got to him. Ron and Hermione don't really have anything to the, either.

The book didn't have many great scenes of cliffhangers to keep me reading. I read the whole thing, but only because everybody told me it was going to be so good and I wanted to hang around and see. It was not what I consider as an easy book to read.

Those are my main complaints, and those are pretty big ones, considering characters and plot are the main parts of a book.
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First book to buy
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Every teenager wishes they were special, and When Harry Potter finds out that he is his life is transformed from a poor boy, bullied by his horrible step parents and their only son, into the worlds greatest wizard. He fights to save his new school, and his new group of friends from evil, and he learns to use his new found special powers.
Good Points
Good starter book for children who are on the verge of teen-hood.Easy characters to follow with Harry Potter being likeable. It was a trend setter that many writers have tried to follow without ever reaching the same heights.
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Finally at 21 years of age, I get the chance to read this! I've been waiting for quite some time. A time when I could read them back to back, with no interruptions. And that time is now! I loved all the movies, so I was pretty sure I'd love the books just as much.

The adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermonie are so great that I wished I was children with them! The tales they weave and the trouble they get in is such a great pace for children. Something that the movies left out is a lot of things about Neville! I loved him in the movies! :)

Rowling is such an amazing storyteller, and I really wished I had read these before.
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*Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
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Harry Potter, one of the most amazing books ever written. It started off with simple stories at bedtime that grew to a whole series containing seven books. From that it grew into a blockbuster movie series with eight movies, the last book split into two parts. Anyone who doesn't like Harry Potter should be frowned upon, because what's not to love?

I've been meaning to re-read the Harry Potter series again for so long, ever since the last Deathly Hallows movie came out. But I have never had enough time in-between all the other great young adult books coming out, which are all as great as the last. And when I did manage to get the time to start reading them again, I was so glad that I chose to do so, it was just great once again.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the first adventure of Harry in the world of magic. I was so happy to find Harry's character once again, and to meet Ron and Hermione out of the movie screen. I loved Harry Potter as much as when I was younger, and so does everyone else, it is one of the best books of all time.
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(Updated: August 07, 2012)
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I had very high hopes for it because it is so popular, but I guess popular opinion is stupid. I can see why elementary and middle graders would like this, but the teens and adults who like the book must be very stupid and uneducated.
I was thoroughly disappointed.
Good Points
Cool concept. Magic is awesome.
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Harry potter the beggining
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Good book I cannot complain about the first one.
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Harry Potter a normal 10 years old almost 11 years old and he's world is about to get even weirder when he find out how he got the scar on his forhead and how his parents died.But their is a twist his is a wizards so was his parent.So he went the Hogwarts school of witches and wizard.
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Hello Harry Potter!
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What an incredible world J.K. Rowling built. I loved it, and was officially addicted to all things Harry Potter by the end of the book. Hogwarts is magical, the villain is scary, and despite creating a huge cast of characters, Rowling is able to make each character distinct and interesting. The plot is fabulous, the seeds of an amazing series are well-laid, and even though the beginning is slow, I recommend this book to everyone.
Good Points
world-building, characters, plot
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My Favorite Book Ever
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Reader reviewed by Morgan T

J.K Rowlings Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone takes place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the present day. When a 12 year old boy named Harry Potter, starts his first year at Hogwarts, he meets his two best friends Ron and Hermione. Then, strange things begin to happen. Students in the school are getting killed and everyone cant figure out why this is happening. A teacher in the school is acting very strange, while Albus Dumbledore, the head master of the school, and other teachers suspect the evil Lord Voldemorts powers are gradually becoming stronger and that he is the one causing all of this. Everyone says the evil Lord Voldemort has lost his powers, or has he? Harry, Ron, and Hermione try to solve why these terrible crises are happening in the school. Who is behind all this? Has Lord Voldemort risen again, or is someone else causing all this trouble?

            Rowlings famous, first book of the series is a very well written, suspenseful, exciting book that wont let you stop reading. Every page you turn leads to another exciting event. This book isnt like any other books. Rowling said, The idea just simply fell into my head. This book has won the National Book Award (UK), the Gold Medal Smarties Prize, and the Parenting Book of the Year.

            Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone is a really good book for ages around 12 all the way to adults. This book isnt anywhere similar to a book you might read. For people who love fantasy and magic, this is the perfect book for you. Once you finish this book, you wont be able to wait to read the second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, of this terrific series.

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The best book ever
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Reader reviewed by Idris

I remember
I was eleven years old when my mom gave me the first book in the series. At
first I didnt want to read it, because I didnt like the synopsis, but when I
started reading it, I couldnt put it down.

I fell in
love with the story, the characters, and the places.  I cried, I laughed, I got mad,
and I waited. I grew up with Harry Potter, so
these books are part of my life and me.

Now, I'm 20, and my books
are old and worn from so much reading. But they bring me back many memories. This
story was the one that made my passion for books increased.

I recommend
these books to everyone, from children to adults. Inside its pages is not only magic,
but also love, friendship, hope, and thousands of teachings.

 Harry Potter is a must-read.


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Great Book!!!!!
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Reader reviewed by Allison K.

Imagine living in a house where you cant get what you want, you are not loved, and you are lied to. This is exactly how Harry Potter feels. This is how he feels until he gets a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Little does he know that in the magical world he is famous because of the lightning scar on his forehead. From playing Quiditch to learning magic, Harry is having fun at Hogwarts. But, when the man who killed Harrys parents is looking for the one and only Sorcerers Stone, which can bring him back to life, Harry decides he needs to stop him first.

I think that Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone is a great book. It is a great fantasy book full of magic. The whole Harry Potter series is a great series, but you have to read them in order or else you will not know what is going on or what is happening. For some people, the beginning might be the best part, but I thought that the first chapter was pretty dull because it just told what happened like one day after Harrys parents died. Nothing very interesting happened. Otherwise, the whole book was great!!! It shows a great deal about what it could be like to be famous and how it isnt the greatest sometimes.

I recommend this book to kids who like action as in fighting. I also recommend this book to kids who like fantasy and mythical books. I do not recommend this to kids who get scared easily, because for some people, some parts can be freaky. I dont recommend this book to kids who dont like somebody dying because one person dies. But, anyways, if you are a kid who LOVES a great book that you wont put down the book until you have read the whole book, and then the whole series, this is definite book for you! I really love Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone!!!

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