Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter #6)

4.8 (65)
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A page-turner
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Reader reviewed by Bookworm9

As Harry enters his sixth year at Hogwarts, he's got plenty to worry about-- namely the war with Voldemort and the fact that he knows nemesis Draco Malfoy has something up his sleeve. But he also has plenty to feel good about, like the fact that Dumbledore has taken him into his confidence, and the notes that the Half-Blood Prince left in his potions book, which have saved Harry's bacon on more than one occasion. But what he does with his new found knowledge is another matter all together...

This is typical Potter, with plenty of mayhem, near-tragedies, quidditch, "growing-up problems," and suspicions for the first three-quarters of the book, and a full-blown battle at the end. Although it doesn't surpass Book 3 for my all-time favorite, Rowling did turn the intensity up a notch, and left more things up in the air than usual, setting up for what will certainly be an anticipated finale.
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so much.. i wan't more!
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Reader reviewed by Megan

This book was so awesome. I wanted to read more and more of it every second. The penseive is the one thing that I wanted to know more about and I did. It really left me hanging though. But it did give me a big enought clue of what the 7th book is going to be about. I just don't know what's going to happen withought dumbledore not being there to help. It was a great book and waiting till midnight just for it wasn't a waste of time at all.
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man that was a good book!
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Reader reviewed by chick box

this book was awesome!it wasnt at all what i expecected which made it even MORE awesome.i am so glad that harry and ginny FINALLY got together!now the only couple left to hook up is ron and hermione!
i will admit the ending made me cry for 2 reasons.1,dumbledore dies(waaaaaaaa)and 2,i need more HARRY POTTER!
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a slight dissapointment
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Reader reviewed by shiningsaba

A slight dissapointment... for one, it is rather short, and for another, the langauge is much more complex. The first chapter was a bore, and Dumbledore's death was not drawn out enough. In ch. 6, Draco Malfoy sounded rather mature and not like himself. However, there was plenty of Romance, although the end of Harry/Ginny was rather abrupt. The end of the story is left hanging, not at the end of the year, but rather at the middle, and I don't like the idea of Harry not returning to Hogwarts.
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A Must Read
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Reader reviewed by Sandy

The real question hanging around in your mind after finishing this book is, where is she going to go now? How is she going to top this? And if it's not then... shame on you! :p I finished it in all of two days and was loathe to set it down for even a minute. This is where the answers are, as well as some new information on the mysterious Lily Evans Potter. And of course the new DADA teacher is quite a surprise, shocking really. You won't be able to believe your eyes, I know I had to go back and re-read that part several times...

This is also definitely the book in the series for romance. Ron has certainly grown up... and that is all I'm going to say on that particular matter.

But I digress because it is the ending that is truly extraordinary. Yes, there is a death. And yes, it is tragic as death always is. Trust me, if you don't all out cry, your eyes will water at the very least. And are you just dying to know who the Half-Blood Prince is? You'll positively flip your lid when you discover that is none other than... nope I'm not telling!

So, is this a book worth your time? Of course!! Is it packed with action, adventure and intrigue? Absolutely!! So what are you doing sitting at the computer reading this review? Go get to reading! Trust me, you won't be sorry!
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Book or Film?
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Reader reviewed by Cynthia

I didn't think HBP was as good as the others. It seemed to be written more in script like a movie than a book. Harry made a drastic change in attitude during the summer that caught me off guard. I mean, his godfather just died! He should have been at least a little more mournful. He kept having nightmares and withdrew into himself and became angry when Cedric died, and he didn't even know him other than a fellow student and triwizard champion. It just didn't seem like the Harry that I fell in love with. Hermione acted alot more bratty about Ron, which I guess can be blamed on hormones, but really... Hermione is smarter than that. And Ron was a prat as always and blind. And the language! I wouldn't have thought any of the three to have foul language other than maybe bloody hell (which Ron says alot). When I compare HBP and the previous five books, I just don't see the quality as much. Sure, it's by JK Rowling, but it seemed more like it would be better on film than in a book. Which after reading HBP they should have a pretty good film for it.

I was shocked that Snape had been the half-blood prince, but it had crossed my mind a time or so during the book, but I was leaning more towards Lily. Well, after that spell on Draco, I kind of scratched her name out of it. I thought Draco had to try to kill someone. I had decided it had to have been Dumbledore, Harry, or someone close to Harry. Albus died! And by the hand of Snape! I was actually starting to like Snape... Now I see I shouldn't have. Hopefully though he'll be punished for either blowing his cover or doing Draco's job. Draco did seem to be coming around right before the DEs came. I almost thought he would assent to Dumbledore and turn to the light. I still don't think Draco is DE material, but what do I know? JK is the one who decides it all. I absolutely loved the background on Tom. It's nice to know that the whole Slytherin family was foul and not just Tom. It's in their genes. It works. I didn't much like Slughorn, but he's alright. Ginny! At the end of the book, Ginny is not what I've always pictured her as at all. She LET Harry LEAVE! Somehow I just don't think Ginny would do that sort of thing. Harry's an idiot. She should know that. The horcrux idea is brilliant. It explains why no one could ever kill Voldemort before and how Harry blew him up when he was little. Though splitting the soul is a bit wrong. "There are worst things than death, Tom" Dumbledore said. Well, that's one of them. Slitting your soul I mean. To never live as a whole ever again. It just isn't right. The centaurs paying their respect was a great idea. And how Fawkes died along with Dumbledore. That answers the question I've had since I met fawkes. What will happen to him when his owner dies? Will Harry get him? Someone pure of heart? Or did anyone have him before Dumbledore? I think that's all I have in my head right now. Thanks for listening.
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The Newest Harry Potter Book
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Reader reviewed by Diana

The latest Harry Potter book doesn't disapoint. In book 6 Harry's back at Hogwarts and everything seems to be going great then everyone is hit with a big surprise. The new defense teacher is Snape! Harry's also got worries concerning Malfoy. Hes convinced hes a Death Eater trying to impress Voldemort to make up for his fathers mistake but no one else will believe him. Even once things start to go people still dont seem to concerned. Dumbledore takes Harry under his wing and gives his special lessons to teach him about Voldemorts past in hopes of preparing him for their inevitable battle. During these lessons Harry and Dumbledore discover that Voldemort split his soul into 7 parts and hid them in differnt objects making him 7 times harder to kill. Harry and Dumbledore go on a quest to find one of the 7 parts but along the way they encounter deadly danger and never manage to get the piece of soul. Once they get back to Hogwarts things have really gotten bad, the death eaters have invaded and the teachers and DA members are doing their best to fight them off. Malfoy finds Harry and Dumbledore and tells them all about his terrible plan and what he plans to do from there. After that Snape comes to help, but who hes going to help is a mystery and after that an unforgetable deed is carried out and the wizarding world is forever changed.

This is hands down the saddest book in the series, if you dont at least get a little misty you have no heart. If you havent read it yet, Hurry up, It's amazing.
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One of the best ones
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Reader reviewed by Sarah

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was a really good book. It was one of the best Harry Potter books.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was about Harry Potter and another one of his years at Hogwarts. There's a lot more romance in this ook. Harry falls in love with Ginny and Ron and Hermione finally realize their affections for one another. Harry is also very suspicious about Malfoy and obsessed with finding out his secret plans. Harry also has an old Potions book that was previously owned by someone known as "the half-blood prince" that helps him become the best Potions student. Harry is also now taking private lessons with Dumbledore in which Harry learns about Voldemort's past. The year progresses with these things, and has a shocking death at the end.

This was another great Harry Potter book. I liked how Harry was less moody in this book than the 5th book. And it also revealed a lot of important stuff. Overall, iit was a really good book.
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Another GREAT book in the series!
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Reader reviewed by Flak Monkey

To tell you the truth, I ran out at midnight on the release night for this book to buy it, even though I was on my honeymoon. My new husband, however, understands, as he has watched me run to the midnight parties for the last few book releases. I just don't think he was so happy when I wanted to read while we were honeymooning.

This book picks up where #5 left off and it is just as good as the others. I don't want to give away the ending (I know some reviewers have mentioned it) but you will be surprised! This book, while full of the description and dialogue that Rowling fans have come to love, also takes us further into Harry's past and gives us a glimpse of what is yet to come in Harry's future.

If you have read the other books in the Harry Potter series, you definitely HAVE to read this book!!!! Remember, there is only one more book to be released in this series and the books get better every time. This one will be hard to top
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Reader reviewed by Chandler

This book was so good I loved it! It was a cliff hanger! I don't want to give it away but you will never guess who the half-blood prince is!!! I loved and cannot wait for the next book!!! J.K rowling should get a move on with the next book!!!!
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