Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter #6)

4.8 (65)
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Quite the book
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Reader reviewed by Murmur

I really thought this book was great. The plot line was a little slow in the beginning but this book flowed much better then the others. I also liked the indepth look into hary's more personal life. Mainly his love life. The only thing that could have made this better was for there to be more action in the begining.
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great! but lacks some of the old magic....
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Reader reviewed by kris math

this is Definitely one of the good harry potter books but it does lack some spark trying to folow is prequil; harry potter and the order of the pheonix.
the last one consisted of many great aspects and you could not link your eyes onto another objsct or book...
but this one left me wanting something better. there was no idea that kept consistent. i liked the idea, though, of the half blood prince, but was desapointed in the fact that little to do with the half-blood prince is shown. All it is is a book owned by the guy, yet nothing to black about it...
i really do hope that the next (the last) book is better for this one left on an odd note, a note that i am now not sure whether i , personally, would pick up the next book.
though i do look forward to the movies, for they may fill in the gaps that were left behind in the book.
***-three stars but i am hoping that the next one is better then an old potion book as the main topic...
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Reader reviewed by JeSiCAAAA

This book isby far the best book i have ever read!! i (L) it best out of all the harry potter books, even though i am in love with all of them. The movies just make tem so much more real. i recoment this book to everyone but dont read it until you have rad the other 5 because it wont make sense. JK Rowling is an absolute legend and such a talented writer. i wish that my half blooded prince book would go on forever and ill be really sad when iv read the final book in the series uv read each book at least 4 times!!!
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loved, Loved, LOVED it!!!!!!
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Reader reviewed by janine

I literally couldn't put it down. I was so unraptures that I read it in one day!! I waited in line for three to four hours waiting to by my copy. I still where the band that came with it.

I thought this book was J.K.Rowlings best and darkest yet. She really let us have an in-depth view on Voldemort's past. I just wish that a certain someone didn't have to die.

One question that is still on my mind is "Who exactly is the Grey Lady?"
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Another enchanting, pagign turning, chock full of action novel!
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Reader reviewed by Fiona Flamingo

The sorceress of storytelling, J.K Rowling, has cast her spell upon readers in her narration of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth instalment in her phenomenal series. Now muggles everywhere can accio the book and devour this sumptuous tale! The Half-Blood Prince knots together the many plot strands from the previous five titles, yet it is deliciously dark and shockingly sinister. This is a sequel that seizes the mind and ensnares the senses of readers of all ages.
As the prospect of a second war descends upon the magical world, the realisation of the feared Lord Voldemorts return is met with trepidation and terror. Harry Potter, about to attend his sixth year at Hogwarts is increasingly isolated and well aware that he is the Chosen One; the one who will wage the final battle with Lord Voldemort. The plot hurtles along faster than the Hogwarts Express; a thrilling journey packed with mysterious names, revelations from the past, strengthening bonds, brutal betrayals, and ultimately, difficult choices. The book concludes on an agonisingly poignant note. Here, the chess board has been set. Now Ms. Rowling has to make the final moves, and the readers to wait and see what will happen next&.
The second war is reminiscent of World War 2; a looming thunder cloud of death and violence over the world, streets in turmoil, panicky people and wreaking vengeance. Lord Voldemort reminds me of Adolph Hitler, whose chief concern is purging the magical world of muggles, just like Hitlers obsession with the extermination of Jews, to create a super race.
In my view, the Harry Potter books bear resemblance to C. S Lewiss Narnia Chronicles in its other realm fantasy and battles and Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials in the depiction of soul sucking spectres. Ms. Rowling has shown her talent as a skilful artist in her use of unique colours and brush strokes in creating endearing or repugnant characters and has breathed life into everyone of them. The wise, Dumbledore, secretive Snape, brave, modest Harry, cold, calculating Voldemort, resourceful Hermione, witty Ron and larger than life, bumbling Hagrid, lure us into their world and increase our curiosity and concern to know more about them. The character I feel closest is to Hermione, although brilliant and bossy, she shares my love for books and reading.
This volume is abundant in rich imagery, fantastic devices and tantalisingly intricate plots and the pages are laced with humour, romance and scintillating dialogue. The only the thing I would alter is the way Dumbledore died, weak and pleading. Its not the end Id envisaged for such a noble figure-my version would be more peaceful and honourable.
The Half-Blood Prince has been brewed with a rare magical substancea potion any reader would willingly succumb to and escape into a world of fantasy. It is an engrossing book for older readers who like humour, fantasy and suspense. Readers anticipate the phoenix of Ms. Rowlings fiction to resurrect itself in a final volume.
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An exciting read
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Reader reviewed by chardiddlyarlie

In this book we see how much Harry and his friends have grown up. Harry has matured a lot and with this comes a lot of new angles to the book including a good deal of romance and conflict. This book was very enjoyable and again harry shines. Though i was disappointed with the ending i still enjoyed the majority of this book and would definately recommend it.
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I'm Not Sure What To Think
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Reader reviewed by Elljay

Where to start?

Well, okay, lets start with the fact that I was shocked by how much the word "snogging" seems to crop up. It seems to me JK Rowling is trying much too hard to insert that "teenager" thing into the series. I can understand that the trio is growing up, but there's are limits as to how far you should go.

Next, I was wondering when a plot-line would appear. Not much really happens until the end, other than the neverending snogfest. I won't reveal anything for the sake of those who haven't read it yet, but the first chapter has nothing to do with the rest of the book, and I can't say I'm surprised JKR couldn't locate its place in the series.

Lastly, I just thought I'd throw in the fact that the films may be influencing JKR's writing of the books. For instance, when Harry is in the dungeon during Potions, it's mentioned that he'd never seen Malfoy so angry since Hermione PUNCHED him, yet if I remember correctly, she actually SLAPPED him. It is in the film that the punch takes place.

My conclusion: it's good, but not nearly up to the standards of the previous books I did enjoy it, but NOT as much as the others. It seemed more like a place-setter than a plotted, gripping novel. True, it does leave us knowing of exactly where we'll be when the seventh book comes out, but the storyline is missing. Truth be told, I don't know whether to say I loved of hated it, because I'm hanging between both. But I will say this, it did rather reminded me of an implausible fanfic.

My advice: if you're a fan of the series, read it. If you're not and you're just browsing, then I'd advise you to read the others first, then you can judge your own opinion.

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The one we've all been waiting for
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Reader reviewed by linda

The long awaited sixth book is finally here and it was worth the wait. If you are a long-time Harry Potter fan then you will know the gist of the story: Harry is at Hogwarts with his friends, preparing to do battle with You Know Who. Harry doesn't actually confront him in this book but with the help of Dumbledore he realizes the secret to defeating him. Who is the Half-Blood Prince? Well you'll have to read this fantastic book to find out!
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The plot thickens.
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Reader reviewed by Nicki

Harry Potter is in his 6th year at Hogwarts and the Headmaster is acting very different indeed. He takes Harry along with him on a trip over the summer to try and pursuade an old teacher to come back and teach. He also wants Harry to come to his office in the evenings to have privates lessons that go over parts of the Dark Lords life. Among this Harry has a new crush and Ron and Hermione have a newfound relationship. And Harry will lose the only person who made him feel safe even though the Dark Lord was back and be left on his own to fight the Dark Lord.
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Can't Put it Down!
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Reader reviewed by K. Weller

J.K. Rowling has done it again in creating another unforgettable Harry Potter book. This time around, the character Dumbledore gets some gently sarcastic comments as he shows off his intelligent wit. The section where he visits Harry's aunt & uncle are remarkably funny.
The book is a definite page-turner, which you won't be able to put down. if you love the Harry Potter series than you can't afford to miss this book! One word of caution: do not skip to the end or let anybody ruin the ending for you!
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