Review Detail

Kids Fiction 284
The most unlikely friendship
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I liked:
One of my favorite class assignments when I was younger was exchanging letters with a pen pal. Our class was paired with another type, but that class was based in another part of the world. The excitement of learning what they liked, what they did for fun, and how their school was vastly different but somehow the same in many ways. In Dear Unicorn, Constance sends a letter to her pen pal named Constance (also known as Connie). You get the whole story written in these letters and what they learn about each other as the weeks unfold. The twist is that Nicole has no idea her pen pal is not human.
Final Verdict:
Dear Unicorn is a wonderfully illustrated book to help those nervous about making new friends or writing letters. They will see it can be a lot of fun to share about yourself and learn how the world differs from what you see every day. I like that each pen pal had negative and positive things to share, and they answered the questions honestly, and when the big day came to meet, they embraced their differences—an excellent, encouraging picture book.
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