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Young Adult Indie 153
Dating Nashville Review
(Updated: October 18, 2019)
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If you read the first series, Redefining Me, you got a glimpse at these characters and probably love them just from those small appearances. I know I did, and I was beyond excited when I heard they were getting their own book.

It did not disappoint.

This book is everything. I absolutely love it and already know it’s going to make the top ten list of 2019. It was funny and made me laugh because, let’s face it, Becks’s sarcasm and attitude is just the best, BUT it also had a lot of serious plot points. It gets pretty emotional, and I definitely cried a couple times.

You all know how important characters are to me in a book. You also probably know how much I love the funny side characters. They always end up being my favorite, and Becks was no exception. In the other books, he’s the friend of everyone. He was a jock who didn’t care about labels. He was always joking and meddling, and I knew instantly that he was my new favorite. Dating Nashville shows a more in-depth look, and, because half is written in his perspective, you get to see what’s underneath the charm and smiles. For so long, I lived my life behind a fake smile. So to see this side of my beloved Becks was a little heartbreaking. It made me love him even more, as I could appreciate his struggles with trying to please people while figuring out who he is.

Nicky is just… Nicky. He’s precious and I just want to hug him. I loved him before as Avery’s younger brother and Nari’s best friend, but he became his own character in this book. He grows so much, from thinking he can’t do better than Kenny to being able to stand up for himself and turn away from the cycle he was constantly being sucked into.

This book was amazing. It exceeded expectations and made me happy on so many levels. I laughed, I cried… I highly recommend it. If you like YA contemporary, definitely give it a try!

*Original review on Functionally Fictional.
Good Points
- Wonderful characters
- Great balance between it being funny and emotional
- Becks
- Nicky
- Well written and easy to read
- Did I mention the adorable characters? I love them with all my heart.
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