Crank (Crank #1)

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Crank (Crank #1)
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Release Date
October 05, 2004
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In Crank, Ellen Hopkins chronicles the turbulent and often disturbing relationship between Kristina, a character based on her own daughter, and the "monster," the highly addictive drug crystal meth, or "crank." Kristina is introduced to the drug while visiting her largely absent and ne'er-do-well father. While under the influence of the monster, Kristina discovers her sexy alter-ego, Bree: "there is no perfect daughter, / no gifted high school junior, / no Kristina Georgia Snow. / There is only Bree." Bree will do all the things good girl Kristina won't, including attracting the attention of dangerous boys who can provide her with a steady flow of crank. Soon, her grades plummet, her relationships with family and friends deteriorate, and she needs more and more of the monster just to get through the day. Kristina hits her lowest point when she is raped by one of her drug dealers and becomes pregnant as a result. Her decision to keep the baby slows her drug use, but doesn't stop it, and the author leaves the reader with the distinct impression that Kristina/Bree may never be free from her addiction.

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A Story That Needs to Be Read
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Books in verse are not my favorite, but Ellen Hopkins manages to get me hooked regardless of that fact.

Crank is such a powerful story. I was enthralled by it - it is so honest and you really get into Kristina's head. While I was reading Kristina's story, I got so involved. I felt like I was falling in love with Chase alongside her. While I have never gone through the major things Kristina had, I could really relate to some of the things she was going through. I think most teenage girls especially will be able to relate to Kristina's situation in some way or another, which only enhances Crank's power.

I totally understood why the form was that way, but some of the way the verse was arranged on the pages made it hard for me to focus on it. Yet, there were still some really cool aspects of Crank. There are poems within poems and it is just genius.

Ellen Hopkins writes books that need to be read. It tells such a powerful, important story in a really unique way. It took me a little longer to get hooked on this one, but once I did, I didn't want to put it down.
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Crank by Ellen Hopkins
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The protagonist and narrator is Kristina Georgia Snow, a straight A high school student, who travels to Albuquerque, New Mexico for three weeks during the summer before her junior year to visit her estranged father, who she has not seen in eight years.

It is here in her father’s apartment complex that she meets Adam, known to his friends as Buddy. She calls herself Bree and they begin an intense passionate relationship, despite Adam having a girlfriend. Although Adam is sweet, sensitive and caring he is the one that introduces her to ‘Californian green’ and later crank (methamphetamine).

This is pre Walter White cooking up crystal meth in Albuquerque.

The first time Kristina tries crank she runs away and is attacked by a group of men, but luckily she is saved by Adam. After Adam’s girlfriend Lince learns of their relationship she jumps off a balcony in a suicide attempt.

After Kristina, now Bree, returns to Reno, Nevada she attracts the attention of some less than desirable boys that can supply her crank addiction. The later part of the novel depicts Kristina / Bree’s spiral out of control as the addiction takes over her life.

Although there are 537 pages the novel is written in a form of free verse poetry, which means there are only a few lines on each page, making it a quick read. It reads like Kristina’s diary.

The novel is loosely based around Hopkins’ daughter’s addiction to crystal meth. Crank is followed by two novels Glass and Fallout, which continue Kristina’s story with addiction.
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In Crank raw pain, a deepening addiction, and a crumbling family come together to tell a real, powerful story. I remember when I was younger that quite a few people around me read this book though I never bothered to try. I finally the other day opened it up and was entranced by the poetic nature of Ellen Hopkin’s words.

I rushed through the book enjoying every page of it. It was interesting how poems could tell such a harrowing, intense tale. I did quite enjoy Crank and I think I’ll find time soon to read Glass and continue Kristina’s tale.

And to end, because I don’t want to give anything away in this beautiful masterpiece, two quotes I loved:

What made me despise the girl in the mirror enough to transform her, turn her into a stranger, only not.

You share a toast with me: here's to seasonal madness, to part-time relatives and substitutes for love.
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I just got addicted to Crank. That's ironic, even though I was just talking about the book. But I seriously love this book. It's hard to put down.
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Pretty good read!
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So I read this book last weekend. I had gotten it from the library after seeing it on the Amazon's Most Influential YA Books list...I was also intrigued by the way it was written--in free verse. Very cool! I love the way that each page is in a different format than the others, which was very unique and interesting.
Okay, onto the actual review:
I really liked this book! To tell you the truth, I wasn't expecting it to be very good, but as soon as I started this book, I had to read it all the way through! It hooked you from the very beginning, and it kept me hooked until it was over. Naturally, I was sad that it ended because I had grown to like Kristina, and I felt truly bad for her. The ending wrapped it up pretty well, but I wanted more.
(sorry, I just had to try typing something in Crank's format!!)
And you know what I found out?

Crank has a sequel!!!!!!
*tosses confetti*
And I'll read the sequel soon, and I can review it...
So, please go and read Crank!! It's too good to be missed!
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The story of Bree, might disturb you but will interest you.
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Reader reviewed by Zac


By: Ellen Hopkins

I read the book Crank and I have to say it gets very deep and personal. Well, it is about a smart and successful young girl as an eleventh- grader in high school. Her real name is Christina but she likes to go by Bree. Okay, her mom and dad are divorced but she lives with her mom. It starts off with Britt going to spend time with her dad. When she gets his house she notices a boy that is in her opinion good-looking. His name is Adam. Everything is all good between their little relation-ship until Christina and Adam decide to go to the bowling alley. In the time period they spend time there, she goes from a girl from having all her priorities set to a cocaine addict. They refer coke to the term, the monster in the book. While in the bowling alley she finds herself doing cocaine with her boyfriend, her boyfriends ex girlfriend, and her father. Ellen Hopkins states, Something is awfully wrong in this picture. That is no doubt my favorite line of Crank.  As soon as she leaves the bowling alley, she is sexually assaulted by a group of young boys that notice she is high. They take advantage of her and rape her. Luckily Adam comes by and saves her from more of this harmful situation. After this, her life changes drastically and how she attempts to deal with these obstacles in her way of succeeding in life is for you to discover.

Now, honestly, there is some content in Crank that some viewers might find disturbing or inappropriate so I would recommend for readers that can overlook that and enjoy this great and enjoyable book. But in some way I personally feel this content is important because it shows how the monster affected her.  Other than that, its a great read and it makes you think about things. The message that I got was Dont throw your life away that you worked so hard for someone you desire or especially not for drugs, it just isnt worth it.

Review By: Zac Alfaro

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Reader reviewed by Sierra Goodman

This was a great amazing heart wrenching book! It shows the strugles drugs can bring upon u or any monster for that matter. Kristina story happens to many everyday and i think everyone has a double identity we just dont realize it. I would recommend this book to any teen going through struggles or every teen because everyone has struggles sometime in life. I havent finished the sequal yet but it is quite amazing as well (:
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Flirting With The "Monster"
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Reader reviewed by Toni Johnson

Based on a true story, Kristina Snow has the perfect life. Until she goes on a trip to Albuquerque to visit her MIA father, and her life is flipped upside-down. Bree takes over Kristinas life, and turns her into a totally different person: one who is daring, careless, and fearless. Bree is introduced to the monster through Adam, and although her life seems amazing and exciting for a while, she soon learns that her new friend, the monster is out to destroy her life, and will do anything to accomplish that.

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A monster reality check
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Reader reviewed by KatT

This is an amazing book, a must read for anyone and everyone. I have to say though, Brenden is a son of a (insert profanity here), Chase is amazing, and if Adam loved Kristina, then why did he care so much about Lince? And another thing, where did Bree come from?
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I was addicted to this book like Bree was to the monster
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Reader reviewed by Ashley

One summer Kristina goes to visit her father. When she comes back, she's no longer Kristina. She's Bree; and Bree is addicted to the monster. Bree is the polar opposite of Kristina, she has confidence, and can get anything she wants.

I love, love, loved this book! It is without a doubt high up on my favorites list. I'd recommend this book to anyone. It also allows you a real look at the effects of meth.

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The Monster awaits. . .
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Reader reviewed by Crimin

The monster is reaching out, flexing its white claws near your throat.  It wants to take hold of you, to strangle you, to suffocate you with want and need.  But dont allow it to even graze the skin of your neck, dont let it come the close to you.   Dont sacrifice yourself for its deadly kiss.

Too bad no one warned Kristian about the monster or about its addictive destruction.  Too bad no one stood by her to yank her back from its world.   Too bad no one noticed before it was too late, before her other half, Bree, took control.

The Monster, for you who are confused, is Crank.  Cocaine, Glass, Ice -- it has a lot of names, but its always the same white powder.   

Ive always been a fan of Ellen Hopkins, so this was a no-brainer read for me.  I bought it and read it within a day, loving each twist and turn and sour note this book offered to me.  Im just surprised it took me so long to get Crank and its squeal, Glass.   

Trust me, even if you hate poetry, youll love Hopkins.  Go and pick up one of her books, read it, and tell me if I was wrong.

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