Review Detail

4.7 44
Young Adult Nonfiction 1050
The story of Bree, might disturb you but will interest you.
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Reader reviewed by Zac


By: Ellen Hopkins

I read the book Crank and I have to say it gets very deep and personal. Well, it is about a smart and successful young girl as an eleventh- grader in high school. Her real name is Christina but she likes to go by Bree. Okay, her mom and dad are divorced but she lives with her mom. It starts off with Britt going to spend time with her dad. When she gets his house she notices a boy that is in her opinion good-looking. His name is Adam. Everything is all good between their little relation-ship until Christina and Adam decide to go to the bowling alley. In the time period they spend time there, she goes from a girl from having all her priorities set to a cocaine addict. They refer coke to the term, the monster in the book. While in the bowling alley she finds herself doing cocaine with her boyfriend, her boyfriends ex girlfriend, and her father. Ellen Hopkins states, Something is awfully wrong in this picture. That is no doubt my favorite line of Crank.  As soon as she leaves the bowling alley, she is sexually assaulted by a group of young boys that notice she is high. They take advantage of her and rape her. Luckily Adam comes by and saves her from more of this harmful situation. After this, her life changes drastically and how she attempts to deal with these obstacles in her way of succeeding in life is for you to discover.

Now, honestly, there is some content in Crank that some viewers might find disturbing or inappropriate so I would recommend for readers that can overlook that and enjoy this great and enjoyable book. But in some way I personally feel this content is important because it shows how the monster affected her.  Other than that, its a great read and it makes you think about things. The message that I got was Dont throw your life away that you worked so hard for someone you desire or especially not for drugs, it just isnt worth it.

Review By: Zac Alfaro

#1 Reviewer
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