Apollyon (Covenant #4)

Apollyon (Covenant #4)
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Release Date
April 09, 2013
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Alex is now 18... and nothing will ever be the same again. War is coming, and when the gods are involved, no one is safe.

Alex is now 18... and nothing will ever be the same again. War is coming, and when the gods are involved, no one is safe.

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An "Amazegods" addition to the Covenant Series.
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Thank you Spencer Hill Press for this ARC. I don't know how she does it but Jennifer L. Armentrout has outdone herself again because this was amazegods! She brings the world of Greek mythology to life in an engaging and humorous way like no one else and don't even get me started on the kissing scenes. *fans face*

What I LOVED: Each of The Covenant Series covers have a unique ethereal beauty to them and I'm a sucker for a pretty front cover, however, the back of Apollyon is probably my favorite! It's truly creeptastic! (Creepy + fantastic = creeptastic)

Apollyon picks up where Elixir (Covenant #3.5) leaves off and if you haven't read that yet, which I can't imagine you haven't, I mean, it is an entire novella of just Aiden. (AIDEN ST. DELPHI PEOPLE! *shakes fist*) Anyway, if you haven't read Elixir, I suggest you do ASAP, otherwise, the emotional intensity of the first chapters won't have quite the same significance.

One of the things I enjoy about Alex's character besides her snarkiness is that she's a fighter. She doesn't just give up when things get tough. Yeah, she might want to run away or you know, hide in a closet but that's totally understandable. *shrugs* She knows what her purpose is and the risks surrounding it but she still wants to make sure the people she cares about will be okay even if she's not. Alex also tries to see past people's faults and wants to believe there's still hope, even for someone like Seth, much to the chagrin of everyone else.

The relationship between Aiden and Alex is bittersweet and his willingness to do whatever it takes to bring Alex back; to not let her forget who she really is regardless of what it may mean for him is heart-achingly beautiful. (If you don't fall in lurve with the swoonilicious Sentinel by the end of this book, then you have issues. Just saying.)

The witty banter between the characters and Jennifer's ability to infuse humor into the most stressful situations had me laughing until I cried. The pop culture references are always entertaining and I think Persephone is my new favorite goddess.

What left me wanting: Can I have Sentinel today please?! *bribes with chocolate peanut butter cupcakes* ;)

Final verdict: Action, adventure and a whole lot of swoon, Apollyon is easily the best Covenant novel to date!

Favorite quote(s):

Eíste pànta mou... You are my everything. *sighs*

"There's nothing creepier than having a psychotic Apollyon caged in the basement."

He turned, brows furrowed. "I don't even know what that move was." I flipped the dagger in my right hand. "It's called being awesome and it worked."

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Mind. Blown. Pure Awesomeness.
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Steph’s Review:
*DO NOT read this review if you haven’t read Deity yet. It is spoilerific for the other books prior to this one. I also strongly suggest you read Elixir (Aiden POV novella between Deity and Apollyon) before Apollyon. It’s technically isn’t a “mandatory” read, but you won’t get some of the stuff in the Apollyon. Oh and P.S., this will be a long review xD.

WOW. Jen has once again swept me off my feet and launched me into orbit of the swoon world. I don’t know how she does it, but somehow every single thing she writes comes out as a masterpiece. I would honestly read anything she writes, without even reading summaries or seeing covers. Apollyon was amazing and enrapturing from the very first paragraph, and I was so happy to be able to get my hands on this earlier than the release date (you have my forever thanks, B&N!). Trust me, I had a whole “I can’t believe this is happening *squealing like a monkey*” discussion with Dani on it. This is most definitely the craziest ride we’ve been on with Alex and Aiden so far, and I absolutely loved every word etched in the pages. I can’t get enough of this series!

This book starts a little after the end of Elixir (and if you didn’t read it, around a month after Deity) with Alex connected to Seth. This was probably the hardest part of Apollyon to read, with all those excruciatingly painful “my Seth’s” strewn in across the chapters *gags*. It was awful to read Alex’s POV while she was in this state, because she is not at all the Alex we know and love. Her worst fears are coming true, but her bond to Seth keeps her from even knowing that. Thankfully, Jen doesn’t keep Alex in this state too long. *squeals* I just loved the way Alex was able to break off from Seth! It was the sweetest thing ever, and was definitely one of my favorite scenes in the entire book. Once Alex is freed from Seth’s grasps, she and her crew of eight are desperately trying to find a way to turn the tide of the war, and to keep the world from going into complete pandemonium. Look forward to the Underworld! That place is just insane, and our characters must stretch themselves to their limits to face what is coming.

I would most definitely say that Apollyon is the heaviest book in the series, if you can understand what I mean by that. The things Alex had to deal with in the past were terrible, but Apollyon kind of feels like a whole different level. Everything becomes more deep, and nothing is as it seems. Overall, I feel like the aura from it is just a lot darker than any of the other books in the series. With all the crap thats going on, with the war, Seth, the big bad connection, Alex and Aiden’s guilt, remorse etc, Apollyon is a lot to take in. There isn’t as much action in this as the other books in the series, like its the semi-calm before the storm (it’s definitely not calm, but I know that whatever is going to happen in Sentinel will be explosive and just on another scale). Don’t worry too much about this, if you’re afraid that Apollyon is depressing, because Jen still, amazingly (just another show of her skill), is able to put humor into all of these stark situations. I love Deacon and Marcus and Apollo so much! Apollo and his impeccable timing, oh, and the “Release the Kraken”!!!! Ahahahaha, good times :D

I’ve already given the title of “Queen of Cliffhangers” to Jen, but now its time to present her with another award: “Queen of Awkward Situations”. There are so many awkward scenes in Apollyon that are just the cutest scenes to read. It’s not just Alex this time, but everyone. She gives all of her characters their fair share of attention. I bet anyone who watched me read Apollyon thought I was on crack or something because it was really hard to not start chortling like an idiot in public. I’m sure they saw lots of strange facial contortions and weird smiles. There is a great balance of serious and light scenes.

Jen makes the big reveal in this book as to which god is behind the creation of Seth and Solaris and basically the whole mess of the two Apollyon’s. I had my suspicions on who it would be, but I totally didn’t see the character they were played by coming. Just like Leon is Apollo, one of the character’s is also this certain god. Did not expect that! I was so happy that Jen at least put in that twist in there, since it would’ve been a little unsurprising with just putting the god out there. If you look back into the series, you will pick up some clues. Oh, and I hate this god’s a**. I detest him/her with every cell in my heart and soul.

All of our characters are changing in Apollyon. I know, I said that in my Deity review, but Jen’s characters develop even more. The stress of impending doom that looms over everyone’s heads will take their toll, and everyone has to adapt. Alex is really starting to grow up in this book, and she is no longer her selfish and more childish self that she was in Half-Blood. She is maturing, but we still see her lovable snarky side. I loved that Jen was making Alex and crew become a tight knit family, and even people who were once enemies have become closer (ie Lea and Alex, and Marcus and Alex). Have I mentioned I just love Marcus now? Gahahaha. His awkward scenes just cracked me up so bad. We even get a glimpse of past characters now deceased in Apollyon, and I was very thankful for that because I feel like it gave some closure.

Aiden. *swooooons*. Just hearing his name now makes me dizzy, I love him so, so much. Seriously, if I ever have a baby boy or something, Aiden is going to be his name. He is dealing with the guilt of having forcefully put Alex under the Elixir, and I love to see his dynamic with Alex as they both come out of traumatic situations. No doubt they’ve got some PTSD working, but from Apollyon you can truly see that they are each other’s reason for living. There are tons of *ahem* sex scenes in Apollyon, and I even have favorites. I don’t believe you can count them on one hand XD. He is just so perfect, and I am head over heels in love with him. Alex is so lucky to have him. Definitely the swooniest guy of 2013! I can’t imagine any book boyfriend who could beat him now.

Agh there is just so much that happens in Apollyon, in preparation for the final book *sobs*. It’s impossible to get to everything in a review. I’m actually considering writing a book on the Covenant books so I can talk about everything. I am anxious to know how Jennifer is going to wrap up this series *breaks down again*, and I know that Sentinel is going to be absolutely amazing. December can’t come soon enough, but thankfully I’ve got her other books to keep me company while I wallow in self-pity. Apollyon is a must read in general, and definitely any JLA fan should read it. I can’t believe this series is ending this very year, and while I am desperate for Sentinel, I also don’t want this to end. I suppose all good things must come to close though, and I’m just really happy I found this series at all. Definitely one of my all time favorites!

Dani's commentary:
I agree with everything Steph said, but I have a few things to add. So while Steph was flipping out about Alex and Aiden while reading Apollyon, I was extremely worried about SETH. After reading Deity, I decided that I will had hope for Seth. And after reading Apollyon? Yes. I still have hope for Seth. SEMI-SPOILER: All Seth has wanted is to be loved and accepted. He had a horrible childhood because his pure-blood mother didn't like him. No wonder he loves Lucian's fake sucking up to him. He just wants to be LOVED because his mother hated him. So now that you know this, please cut Seth some slack!

I predict that in Sentinel Alex will defeat Seth WITHOUT killing him and Seth will atone for the terrible things he did. Call me crazy, but I believe in Happily Ever Afters. And I won't say "I told you so." when my prediction comes true. Or maybe I will....
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Being the Apollyon
The Mom
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Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Everything about this seris is amazing. And then there are all the amazeball covers. This series is so good; I love how its all climaxing. Unfortunately to me, this wasn't the best one (my favorite is still Deity...) but it is still so so good. If you haven't started this series, get to reading!
This addition to my favorite series starts right where Elixir leaves off. Alex is still in the cell and Aiden is still trying to figure out what to do with her. Finally something snaps and she becomes the same ol Alex... With a completely different attitude. As the war brews, Alex's mission becomes a little blurred. A quest must be taken to answer the many questions that arise. After that, to keep it short and simple, the ish hits the fan.
One thing that I've always loved about Armentrout's writing is her world building and imagery. Everytime I cracked the book open, I could feel myself being transported to Alex's world. I was able to picture everything as if I was Alex. And with the imagery, everything seemed so real it sometimes scared me. (I mean the "giant fruit" bit for those who have read it. *shudders*) Even the color of the cover plays a huge role in the book. It seems like Armentrout thought of everything.
Armentrout also doesn't disappoint with the way the story is told. This book is quite obviously used to aid in the build up of the oncoming war. But in no way does it feel like an info dump or too much stuff being thrown at you at once. It flowed nicely and the steady stream of action and adventure is sure to keep you entertained.
The only thing I disliked about this was the romance between Alex and Aiden. As they stated numerous times, there are bigger things to worry about other than them being together, but that took away the steaminess for me. I loved when they had to sneak around. That was how Aiden became my fave book boyfriend ever. He wasn't afraid to show Alex that she was his weakness. But eh, with scenes like the "lavender pool," I'm not really complaining lol.
Armentrout has surely done it again with the nonstop action in this book. With the war on the brink of beginning and the HUGE cliffhanger ending, super fans like me are anxiously awaiting the conclusion to this epic series.
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Apollyon has me anxious to see how it will all end!!
(Updated: April 10, 2013)
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I am a hardcore Covenant fan-girl. I really did enjoy Apollyon, but I enjoyed it a little less than I have all the previous books in the series. That's not to say that Apollyon wasn't really great, just not as mind-blowing amazing as the others.

Let’s start from the top. I am an Aiden girl all the way! So the entire first part of the book was just hard for me. This had nothing to do with the writing, it was actually really good! Just seeing the Alex that I am used to, a girl who is normally so very strong willed, be reduced to that was heart-wrenching. If you’ve read the free-download Elixir than you can figure out what head space Alex starts the book out in. I thought it was hard reading it in Elixir, but reading it from Alex’s head was so much worse. I was beyond happy when that part was over. I never wanted to read the words “My Seth” again (as I’m sure Aiden didn’t want to hear them…)!

The next part of the book is where I start to have a little trouble. The book starts to drag a little. Things seem a little too fleshed out in parts. Then we will have a harrowing journey that ends with a much too simple solution that leaves me scratching my head. The big reveal of the big mystery comes, and instead of Alex figuring anything out, or a fun reveal, it was like “poof” there it is…I just felt like some things were too rushed.

Aiden, oh Aiden. He was the best part of Apollyon. He was romantic, strong and incredibly devoted. While I am a Aiden fan-girl, I did take note of the serious lack of Seth. I hope to see more of the dastardly dude in Sentinel. I think he will have some surprises up his sleeve for us and I really want to see what he can bring to the table in the final book. I have some high hopes for Sentinel, and how the Covenant Series is all going to come to an end.
Good Points
Aiden, ALWAYS Aiden!!
Emotions! (THE FEELS!!!)
Character development.
Series development.
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Amazing series, author and can't recommend it enough.
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As usual, Jennifer does NOT disappoint!
It was so hard in the beginning when Alex was connect to Seth, and calling him "my Seth." She was so obviously not herself and that is not what I want for any person. I think that it is very important to be yourself and not change for anyone, especially a guy. I know that it was all the bond and supernatural forces, but it was still hard to read. I knew that it was coming but it was still hard to deal with.
You could also so clearly see the love of Aidan for Alex in what he had to do to keep her safe. Being by her side day by day and watching her and listening her talk about Seth like he was the best thing since sliced bread. (You can get all of this from last book or the first chapter, so not really a spoiler.)
But on to happier things, I love reading about them. Their connection is so pure, hot and epic. I want for Aiden to look at me like that, but I guess I will settle for him looking at Alex that way.
The plot twists never fail to get me. I don't know how Jennifer can keep surprising me, but she does. Her pacing is breakneck, and she always ends the stories in a way that leave me wanting to stalk her to find out what happens next. Though, the ending of this one is not quite as evil as previous stories. AND--We get the answer to some questions but then more just pop right up. I love reading this series, and will be so sad when it is over and I can no longer be in the head of Alex, and drool over Aidan.
Needless to say, I was so glad when Alex was back to herself. She has matured so much but it didn't take away from who she is fundamentally, it just grows her and makes her better. She still kicks butt, still questions things not just accepting how things are, and she still loves those around her so fiercely.
I feel so sorry for Seth and am so mad at him all at the same time. I understand that the power is seductive, but I just wish for the banter and the guy that I got to know in the previous books.
Not only is the inside of the story every flavor of amazing, the covers always make me so happy. I could stare at them, and I am proud to have them on my bookshelf.
I cannot recommend this series enough, if you haven't yet, get on the band wagon, it is a good one to be on.

Bottom Line: Amazing series, author and can't recommend it enough.
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JLA can do no wrong!
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Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout
ARC received from Spencer Hill Press
Release Date:
Reviewed by: Middle Sis Jenn
The Sisters Say: Ominous, Overwhelming, and Perfect

Alex. Aiden. Seth. Their past is keeping them together; their present is holding them hostage; and their future is hanging precariously in the balance. Oh my gods, Apollyon is the akasha of Covenant novels.

Darkness and danger have blanketed Alex and Aiden’s world—a darkness that pulls at Alex from the inside out, and a danger that not even the gods saw coming. As the shadows descend, everyone will have to make a choice—a choice to stand and fight or turn and run. Allegiances will be frayed, powers will be harnessed, and love will be tested.

So we have come to that point in this series…you know the one. The point where you’re scared to read how it all ends because you just don’t see how it can have a happy ending. So I have this weight on my heart because this is truly one of my favorite series. I feel like I know Aiden and Alex and Apollo and Marcus and everyone else on a personal level, and it pains me to know what darkness is coming in the fifth and final book. But, I like that Jennifer has been able to make such an impression with this series. I felt this way with Harry Potter, too, because I just knew the death toll was going to be high and my heart was going to break. After reading Apollyon, I have high hopes for Sentinel—and I know it will leave a lasting impression.

Apollyon is much, much darker than the first three books. I mean, if you’ve read Elixir, then you know the anger and the madness that plagues Alex. It’s brutal watching her lose herself and slowly wither away, but fear not! For Fate has another plan, and she won’t succumb to the madness for long. I liked the darkness in this book because it was truthful. The world is at war, and in war, there are casualties. I really dislike books where there is some type of war and everyone survives (Twilight, cough, cough), and so I was happy that Jennifer didn’t shy away from death. Her sight was truthful, and though heart-breaking, it added to the tension and danger that was ever-present.

I’ve always liked Alex in the past books because she was such a smart mouth. Her comebacks and witty jokes always had me cracking a smile, and I love that she can crack the Buffy-esque jokes when she is in danger. It just gives her this spice that I think adds to the whole Apollyon bit. Now, there were times when she annoyed me in this book because she got overshadowed by thinking everything was about her. She was a bit selfish in her thinking that everyone was fighting to save her, not the millions of other lives at stake. So for the first time in this series, I was actually bothered a bit by her, but still her strengths definitely outweighed the selfishness, and I still enjoy her more than most heroines.

And of course you want to know about Aiden, right? Gosh, he is just the best! He is my absolute favorite book boyfriend—strong and confident, jealous at just the right times, sexy as hell and not afraid to act on his feelings, and genuinely over-protective to a fault. He’s perfect. We get to see all these best parts of Aiden in this one, and lots of steamy scenes that will have you blushing and envious! Hey Jennifer---I’m dying for some Aiden POV scenes…pretty, pretty please! For Seth fans out there…unfortunately there isn’t much of him in this one. That didn’t bother me, though, because I have an insane urge to kick him really hard where it really hurts.

What surprised me in this book was that my favorite part was APOLLO! I don’t know how many times I laughed out loud at Apollo’s actions or words. For example, at one point he calls Hermes a “punk ass bitch.” I could just see the gods getting in petty fights where they call each other names and then get angry and start hurling balls of fire and what not—all because someone was acting like a little b***. Plus, he always shows up at the most awkward of moments, and that just cracks me up even more. It’s like he’s chilling out in Invisible Land and then right when he sees the most intimate or embarrassing of moments—Poof! Hello Apollo. Be prepared to laugh your butt off at this god!

Jennifer L. Armentrout is amazing. Her words glide effortlessly from page to page, and you will feel as if you are catapulted right into the middle of the raging war. Alex, Aiden, and Seth are about to find themselves in a stand-off. There will be no more sitting around waiting to die or waiting to live. The wait is over. The end is here. Worlds are about to collide.

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