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Being a Puppy is hard
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What I liked:
Having a young pet in a family is challenging, and when you add in new people to mix, anxiety and struggles arise. Aria is excited about her puppy Jackson's first Christmas this year. Her extended family is coming to stay at her house, which will make for crowded conditions, and her grandma is unsure about dogs. Aria is determined for Jackson to have a great Christmas, but as the days go by, the number of people and new activities make her wonder if things will be as great as she wanted. Holly, the author, has taken an ordinary situation in families and given us a delightful chapter book to which children with anxiety can relate. Even Adults will see the valuable lessons in this lovely chapter book.
Final Verdict:
Fifty books in just this one series is quite impressive for an author. I only read this one book, and I can see why it is a popular chapter book series. The heartfelt, realistic characters, the everyday situations for young children to relate to, and the puppy jackson, the show's star, made for an enjoyable story.
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